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Diposting: 12 Nov 2016 @ 1:55am
Diperbarui: 10 Feb 2018 @ 11:29pm

Yet another poorly optimized game woot woot. From what ive played, the game seems amazing gameplay, designwise,etc. Game looks great, same dishonored artstyle. I just cant stand the choppy fps and mouse issues. Reducing the settings changes nothing, constant 20-40 fps.Devs said it will be patched soon lets hope so, till then dont buy. Although it's running poorly for like half the playerbase it might run fine for u, its a gamble. Was going to be getting Prey probly not anymore. Then to top it off the game goes on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sale 3 weeks later, a little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to early buyers. Wouldve prefered to waste 40 rather than 60 bucks on this trash. Ty Bethesda.

Edit: Runs better now, but be wary of future Bethesda games and dont make the same mistake i did.
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