I’m telling you, kennyS is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day and he was buying cases of Redbull and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said, “they help contain my full power so I don’t completely sh*t on these kids” and then he bunny hopped out the door

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Nuanadar 12 nov. la 9:10 
dedicated gamer
Har du siggj 30 oct. la 15:55 
Signed by optimus
Androrn 28 oct. la 10:15 
clutch player, cool under pressure, let's keep clutching rounds ˘⌣˘
PRESTEN RØYKJE 28 oct. la 8:28 
-Signed by Ten Hag
Koratus 28 oct. la 6:45 
-rep kid
Aurinn 26 oct. la 9:26 
+rep great player