Max The Meat Guy
Max dweller   United States
Items à échanger
Items possédés
13 420
Échanges effectués
4 196
Transactions sur le marché
Items à échanger
Items possédés
13 420
Échanges effectués
4 196
Transactions sur le marché
Boner 12 oct. à 14h38 
I told my new doctor who wanted to know what aggravating conditions my depression had, and my incredibly sleep deprived brain just rattled off "struggling with family, job sucks, gender dysphoria Oh ♥♥♥♥ I just said that" and promptly blacked out into a panic attack. I don't think I was in danger of being sectioned, but I was pretty terrified for a bit when I came around and was told I'm being put on three psych waiting lists.
Revenge 11 oct. à 23h17 
Mr.Corn 6 juil. à 17h33 
+rep very good player and rust :stonehatchet::bears::safehouse:
Walf 6 juil. à 2h10 
smcheeto 8 juin à 16h55 
loves his 3 dogs a lil too muh
Fent Banana 5 juin à 20h34 
♥♥♥♥ this guy