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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 185.3 год. загалом (177.1 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 26 листоп. 2023 о 6:52

I never had more fun in an RPG than in this game.

I've played a few round based RPGs before but I mostly favored the action RPGs for a long time.
The Witcher and Mass Effect Trilogy are my benachmark for almost perfect games that I like to come back too every few years and I'm still finding new stuff to talk abou to this day.
Baldurs Gate 3 is as good and maybe even a bit better then those legendary trilogies.
I still have plans for re-runs that will keep me returning to this game years in the future.

There were many bugs in the game when it released but Larians commitment to bugfixing and improving this game is commendable. They care about the product and it shows.
There are still Bugs in the game and I doubt that it will ever be truly bug free but it's getting improved at an impressive pace.

I think this game will stay relevant for a long time and deserves the overwhelmingly positive reviews it right now has on Steam.
Buy it, play it and fall in love with the game and the world of Baldurs Gate.
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