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Black ops 2 how to rank up :D ?
Servus. i got an question i play now black ops 2 zombie for 2 years. and i have still only the skull and blue eyes. i really really wand to rank up and somthing. but i dont will work xD i got 70k kills and 400 downs. and yeah i just wand to rank up and yeah i play BO3 zombies to :))

Sorry for bad englisch GERMANY FTW

servus Tobi
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Gorre 2015年12月11日 5時44分 
Basically to get Shotguns you must not go down in early rounds (1-30) and get to higher rounds (30+) without going down up until that point. Eventually you'll rank up.
Gorre ☠ の投稿を引用:
Basically to get Shotguns you must not go down in early rounds (1-30) and get to higher rounds (30+) without going down up until that point. Eventually you'll rank up.

and you have to play till you get all five strikes before you can rank up
Its just Kill to death and reach to round 40+ with low downs (1-3)
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