xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK Ipopto#69
xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK Ipopto#69
2022 年 9 月 13 日
關於 xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK

Eiparxi enas apateonas anamesa mas

Our clantag: Ipopto#69

You're probably wondering what the heck is wrong with this group name or likely thinking anyone who would join this would be by mistake or would have to be held at gunpoint.

Now now, let me put those doubts at rest, here at xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK we worry about one and another, we provide warranty extensions for free and we are very proud of it, that's why we formed xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK in the first place, a name that can finally represents us, a trustworthy professional group of CS:GO players that give free extended warranties.

You are of course free to join xXxtendedAlcoholicWarranty69xXx420IpoptoAnergos360ZhopaPEEK and enjoy:
- Free warranties! Our best provider, Prapor*, will surely give you your items back if you lose them**.
- A free clantag: Ipopto#69 - The best clantag ever made and that you'll ever see in your life.

"Y the long naem thougth?!??!?!" - You ask agressively.
FINE then, you silly billy. The long name is the name that best represents us.
...What, you're still asking? Is my answer not good enough for you?? Okay okay before I lose more hair, here's the layout:

1 - xXx (pre and after) tag, the classic ep1c g4mer t@g
2 - xtendedAlcoholicWarranty, if I need to explain, you're not old enough to get warranties
3 - 69, our favorite number
4 - 420, also our favorite number
5 - Ipopto, uhm, yeah don't ask what this is or the FBI will think you're suspicious
6 - Άνεργος εεειιμαααι και εντωμεταξειι εε δηλαδή τρελαίνωμαι άμα δεν μπορώ να ανταποκριθώ στα παιδιά μου ναα εντομεταξει μας βγαίνει ένας μητροπολίτης εχτές στην τηλεόραση
7 - 360, the tactik we use to destruct nubs like u, also our favorite
8 - ZhopaPEEK, just one advice, don't turn your back to us nor drop anything. Ever

That's all about our group.

Legal clarifications:
*Prapor won't replace low quality items, items will be replaced by Fence***
**exceptions apply, warranties are free for an undisclosed amount of time and have a fee of 150€ one time only after said amount of time. After a week, you'll be charged 400€ per month. We keep your data and bank information private and safe.
***Fence may not give high quality replacements due to stock issues.
Very improtant anoncement
3 則留言
☢️ Kapitan CAT (СКИЛ) 2023 年 12 月 23 日 上午 11:45 
Unfortunately our shipment couldn't be delivered, we'll try again next year. Oopsies :nibbles:
☢️ Kapitan CAT (СКИЛ) 2022 年 12 月 1 日 下午 7:55 
warranty will be shipped via airways then to the sea, youll have to wait a year
TEMU ✪ PACHOW 2022 年 11 月 16 日 下午 3:48 
I am still waiting for discount on free warranty.
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2022 年 9 月 13 日