The Gathering Of NOOB's Noob gather
The Gathering Of NOOB's Noob gather
29 January, 2016
United States 
Having Some Issues On Prop Hunt Server?
Sorry, this probably isn't important to you, but recently people have been getting kicked off of your server for no reason, not by an admin or anything, genuinely just kicked at random times. It hasn't happened to me, but to a good friend of mine. Another issue is with signing up to be an admin. When I filled out the form on your prop hunt server to become an admin i just got an error. It doesn't send in, and force restarts my laptop. It's happened to two other people, and they use newer pc versions of desktop. I'm not sure what's going on, but I just wanted to get this out to you.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
MurderousMeerkat 7 Nov, 2016 @ 7:13pm 
Can you find out for me if it's specific maps they are getting kicked from? I know the christmas map had that issue and I just removed it tonight. I got fed up with it finally. :P

Also, I don't see any way that the admin application system could restart your computer. Even if it crashed garry's mod entirely, there is no possible way it could force your laptop to restart. It doesn't have that kind of permissions and neither does garry's mod. Could you check your console when it does give you this error? or screen shot the error maybe?
I'm not exactly sure the map, but it was one on a beach. I can try to find the name, or give the least bit of a better explanation if you wish. It didn't force restart it, sorry for my typo, it forced me to. Froze everything, and I had to kill the battery on my laptop for it to work again. Those other two with the actual desktops had to completely unplug and replug in their computers. And the error isn't something I can screenshot, unless i can take a picture with my phone within the two seconds or so that its on my screen. It goes black afterwards. I'll attempt it, but I doubt i'm fast enough.
RepeatPete 8 Nov, 2016 @ 7:11am 
It's difficult to tell from my perspective if people are getting kicked, or disconnecting on the two maps with the hunter blind problem. I know the back alley has it, and the office one with the horse statue out front. I filled out an app last night but didn't have a problem. I don't usually have anything else running apart from GMOD, other than Discord. I'll open up GMOD here in a while, open an app process and see if anything additional shows up in the console or my computer resource usage.
RepeatPete 8 Nov, 2016 @ 9:53am 
I logged into the server and monitored memory usage. With the game, only 3 people playing - GMOD was using around 500-550Mb of memory. As soon as I'd open the the F10 options which open the console and the server forms, memory usage would begin climbing. Seems to be a little bit of a memory leak in the server forms pop-up. Even when closing the console, memory would just keep climbing. I closed it out after seeing it climb to over 700mb. I'm just guessing here since I have no context as to the resources needed/running a GMOD server
Last edited by RepeatPete; 8 Nov, 2016 @ 9:54am
Viper 9 Jan, 2017 @ 11:16am 
I havent been able to finde the Gathering Of Noobs Server Lately, Was the name changed or something?
SailBo_aT 김 딸 24 Feb, 2017 @ 9:18am 
The name has been changed to Stomping Grounds.
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