The Gathering Of NOOB's Noob gather
The Gathering Of NOOB's Noob gather
29 January, 2016
United States 
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cody 22 Nov, 2016 @ 1:35am
Jailbreak Rules
Jailbreak Server Rules

1.) No RDMing (Random Deathmatch), Freekill or RVKing (Random Votekicking).

RDM/Freekill: Killing a prisoner when he is following orders and/or not in a kos zone.
RVK: Kicking a person with no warning or offense on that person's part.

2.) As a Prisoner, You may only rebel three rounds in a row. Additionally, If you rebel three rounds in a row, you must wait two rounds before rebelling again. Also if you choose to rebel, and not rebel the next round, you must still wait two rounds before rebelling again.

3.) Only the Warden may give orders (Warden must have mic), and only the Warden can open or close the cells (or command a guard to). Prisoners caught opening/closing cells become KOS.

4.) Guards cannot tell prisoners what to do if a warden has died or is living. And anyone opening the cells can be kicked or killed depending on the team and the occassion.

5.) Guards can KOS (Kill on Sight) any prisoner disobeying the Warden's orders or any prisoner found in a KOS Area.

6.) Guards can kill prisoners not obeying, such as not being in the wardens ordered spot. However, if a warden says he is designated shooter, only the warden may shoot prisoners. This doesn't apply to kos zones and any prisoners in kos zones can be shot by any guard regardless.

7.) Guards may not camp KOS areas.

8.) Do not stay in kos zones, this mainly means the armory but can extend to many areas. Check the server website for kos zones. Or try using the command !kos.

9.) The last prisoner alive may give a Last Request, provided that he has not rebelled.

10.) The death of a Warden results in a Freeday.

11.) Guards, like before, you can not kill anyone unless they are in a kos zone or rebelling. However, when a warden dies his/her orders no longer apply. Killing prisoners for not obeying the warden's or your orders is RDM.

12.) As a guard, do not delay the round.

13.) If you are the last guard, you will have to patrol the map. Do NOT hide in areas and make people wait several more minutes until you or the prisoners die. You will be kicked if any mods are on.

14.) Gunplanting (guards giving prisoners guns), Favoritism, and Ghosting are not allowed under any circumstances.

Gunplanting: Giving guns to prisoners by dropping them. (This does not apply to the warden)
Favoritism: Warden's orders affecting one or a few prisoner(s).
Ghosting: Using chat while dead to give information to living players.

15.) As a warden/guard, you may not give contradicting orders.

16.) Don't give orders that could be taken two ways. If you're warden, please give clear concise orders that prisoners can follow easily if they so choose.

Common Acronyms:


Kill on sight. Prisoners who are kos'd must be killed on sight, what more to say?


Random Death-Match. Guards who kill prisoners who don't rebel are rdming, please don't do this.

KOS/Armory camping

This means camping an area that prisoners are not allowed to be in, because it provides an unfair advantage and occasionally delays the round.

AFK Freeze

Away From Keyboard Freeze. This is where you stop moving completely in the game.

Common Games:

-First Reaction, Last Reaction
How to play: When the warden says, "First reaction <action>" the first person to do that action gets killed. When the warden says, "Last reaction <action>" the last person to do that action gets killed.
Number of players suited for: Any amount.
Normally used for: General Games.

-Hide and seek
How to play: When the warden opens the cell doors, you have until a certain time, decided by the warden, to run around the map and hide. When the time is up, the warden will let all of the guards leave the armoury. If a guard sees a prisoner, that prisoner is KOS. This game normally goes until there are only one or two people left.
Number of players suited for: Three or more players.
Normally used for: General Games.

How to play: The warden will most likely have you all lined up somewhere so this game is easier to play. The warden is going to say an event, for example, "You step on a piece of lego." He/she will give you until a certain time to type your reaction. When the warden calls on you, you have to tell him/her how you would react to that event. If the warden does not like it, he will kill you.
Number of players suited for: Any amount.
Normally used for: General Games.

-Salty Spitoon
How to play: The warden will most likely have you lined up somewhere so this game is easier to play. The warden will give you until a specific amount of time to type why you are tough enough to enter the Salty Spitoon. So pretty much you have to tell the warden how tough you are. For example, "I am so tough I keep red hot coals in my shoes." The warden will kill you if he does not think you are tough enough.
Number of players suited for: Any amount.
Normally used for: General Games.

-American Idol
How to play: The warden will give you a specific time to type, or prepare to sing your song. When the warden calls on you, you must either sing your song if you have a microphone, or enter it into chat for him/her to read. The warden will kill you if he dislikes your song.
Number of players suited for: Any amount.
Normally used for: General Games.

-Weeping Angels Day
How to play: The warden will (Normally) give all of the prisoners a certain amount of time move freely. When that time is up, the warden will start the game, and if a guard catches you moving, he has full rights to kill you. There are many varients of this game, so I will add the optional rules here:
Optional Rules: - Free Looking: You can look freely without being killed.
- Guard Punching: If you punch a guard, you can kill them, or they have to kill themselves.
- No Guard Camping: The guards can not watch you for more than a certain amount of time specified by the warden.
Number of players suited for: Above 3.
Normally used for: General Games.
Last edited by MurderousMeerkat; 29 Nov, 2016 @ 8:06pm