WarframeTradePost WF_TP
WarframeTradePost WF_TP
21 November, 2013
John wicks bitch 22 Jul, 2019 @ 1:08pm 
I an looking for a maiming strike text me
mothjelly 14 Jun, 2014 @ 6:47am 
Hey guys cashing out of warframe (quitting) and I am looking for TF2/CS:GO stuff! I have a ton of rare mods (around 20 of each mods) Rare stances (Gleaming talon and other super rare ones) Max 10 mods (hornetstrike), heaps of prime parts and Arcane helmets (Vanguard)!
Add me if you are interested in any of these and want to trade TF2/CS:GO stuff for them!
Glizard 15 Mar, 2014 @ 10:30am 
look ing to sell a boltor prime stock or a latron prime bp
Icy 18 Jan, 2014 @ 9:58am 
I am new here
Icy 18 Jan, 2014 @ 9:53am 
Anyone selling rage?
Kandeliere 10 Dec, 2013 @ 6:39am 
I don't think you can trade blueprints..
Bergmano 7 Dec, 2013 @ 3:50am 
someone have the frost prime blueprint?
Kandeliere 27 Nov, 2013 @ 3:40am 
Biggles 26 Nov, 2013 @ 10:08pm 
Primed Chamber is UNTRADEABLE!
Kandeliere 26 Nov, 2013 @ 8:15pm 
I have a spare QT
PriosDemian 26 Nov, 2013 @ 5:08am 
looking for quick thinking
BlackSanta 21 Nov, 2013 @ 10:06pm 
I have many mods, too much to list them all so you could ask me for any mod and I might have it. I mainly look for Primed Chamber
Kandeliere 21 Nov, 2013 @ 9:07pm 
I have Overextended, Wildfire and Hell's Chamber.
Also looking for poison mods. :P
PriosDemian 21 Nov, 2013 @ 4:05pm 
and Possibly for poision mods for weapons and warframe?
PriosDemian 21 Nov, 2013 @ 4:03pm 
Looking for overextended
touriaN 21 Nov, 2013 @ 3:51pm 
looking for heavy cal, wildfire, hell's chamber, also play since im f2p
Lots to trade.