Villagers and Heroes VH of AML
Villagers and Heroes VH of AML
16 April, 2013
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Arubata 22 Apr, 2014 @ 7:47am 
why all dev arein snooz mode?
i am stuck for ours in the game and i cant enter it
dj_ski1 10 May, 2013 @ 10:03am 
Thx Otter. I did post this on forums, and even sent in support tickets (but never thought of bothering with a PM), but I appreciate you answering my question. I have bought another new hat and the vigor does indeed stack now, so all is well.
MadOtter 9 May, 2013 @ 1:15pm 
@dj_ski1 - Please send a private message to Diet on the Forums (EU or US, whichever you are on). We will get you squared away.

And yes, If you have +5 and +9 you would have a rank 14 Vigor.
MadOtter 9 May, 2013 @ 1:13pm 
Thank you everyone for coming out for the Chat! The second chat will be next Tuesday, hope to see you there!
dj_ski1 9 May, 2013 @ 12:24pm 
I would like to increase my Vigor, by wearing both the Hat & robe, but would like clarification if this talent does indeed STACK now after this new patch update (instead of being overriden by just the highest value).
dj_ski1 9 May, 2013 @ 12:23pm 
I have a question about the "Adders", particularly the Vigor Talent aspect. I noticed earlier in my build, that the Wizard Fire Hat had a +3 Vigor attached to it, but my Elder Robe had a higher Vigor value (+9 at level 40), so that I was always maxed out at +9 (the +3 from the hat was wasted, overriden if you will). So when I purchased the New Level 35 Wizard Hat (with +5 Vigor), and knowing that the Vigor portion of it was useless, I decided to save a socket when gnomenting it, and just didn't bother including the Vigor Talent on my hat, since my Robe was higher and was all the Vigor Talent I was allowed to have. Are you saying now, that Vigor can be combined from the robe AND the hat to give me a higher value? If so, I have already threw away a portion of the newly bought Wizard Hat that could be very useful. My new Elder robe has 11 Vigor ... is it possible for me to actually have a total of 16 Vigor, if I also wear a Wizard Hat with an added +5 Vigor Talent ?