Ultra Freeze Tag U*F*T
Ultra Freeze Tag U*F*T
2015 年 10 月 23 日
關於 Ultra Freeze Tag

Quake Live Freeze Tag Clan

Playing freeze tag since 1337
9 則留言
doc 2017 年 7 月 23 日 下午 1:45 
/callvote map padpool
/callvote map padshop
/callvote map padspace
/callvote map polo3ctf1
/callvote map polo3dm2
/callvote map polo3dm3
/callvote map polo3dm4
/callvote map polo3dm5
/callvote map polo3t1
/callvote map ql_dust
/callvote map quake3stuff
/callvote map runtfest
/callvote map sleep
/callvote map storm3dm2
/callvote map storm3tourney1
/callvote map storm3tourney2
/callvote map storm3tourney4
/callvote map storm3tourney5
/callvote map storm3tourney6
/callvote map storm3tourney9
/callvote map ts_dm5tmp ts_dm5
/callvote map wintergames
/callvote map wolfenwinter
/callvote map workshop_extras
/callvote map workshop_holiday

doc 2017 年 7 月 23 日 下午 1:44 
/callvote map 6plus
/callvote map casablanca
/callvote map chronic
/callvote map coldwarctf
/callvote map csmaps
/callvote map deadofwinter
/callvote map deepfreeze
/callvote map dm6remix
/callvote map fff
/callvote map frozencolors
/callvote map frozenice
/callvote map hockey
/callvote map icecold
/callvote map icestorm
/callvote map map-qfraggel1
/callvote map map-qfraggel2a
/callvote map map-qfraggel3
/callvote map marsv1
/callvote map nemesis
/callvote map ospmaps
/callvote map padcastle"
/callvote map padcenter
/callvote map padcrash
/callvote map padgallery
/callvote map padgallery_dl
/callvote map padgarden
/callvote map padhome
/callvote map padkitchen
doc 2017 年 3 月 10 日 下午 9:44 
{連結已移除} Help a server admin out for the OSO clan Bob runs it , and heeds help from the community. Has a lung tumor , and is a medically retired USMC vet on a fixed income. He has hosted OSO for years in one form or another at his expense to the community. You may not play on OSO but he is good people. {連結已移除}
lint 2016 年 6 月 20 日 上午 8:12 
Any news as to when we can play our matches? We've been at a stand-still for too long. I understand the reason, you want to play your entire team. The same goes for us. We cannot do many weekdays due to work/school. However, if someone from UFT can send us the dates/times that work for you, I will poll our team. If we want to indefinitely postpone the matches, that is fine too. HOWEVER, we need to relieve funky of this because he is caught in the middle. I just need some response because I've received none thus far, my email is lint at pillclan .com :qlfrag:
Zombie.uft 2016 年 4 月 15 日 下午 12:31 
d'awww :elrath:
T N T 69 2016 年 4 月 15 日 上午 11:20 
just wanted to ty yall as aclan have allowed me and cg to come play with yall ( no ♥♥♥♥ )
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2015 年 10 月 23 日