Twitch Plays - 1010! ? 1010!@Twitch
Twitch Plays - 1010! ? 1010!@Twitch
게임 중
2016년 9월 12일
Twitch Plays - 1010! ? 정보

Twitch Plays - Something like 1010!

Hello everyone!

Thanks for visiting our community group.
First of all: I'm not the developer of the "1010!" mobile game!
Twitch Plays - 1010! is basically my own version of the game - made for Twitch Plays.
You are able to play the game by using chat commands on the stream.
The main goal is to fill a line and clear it. Clearing lines will drop points. 25 points per line. You'll also get a bonus of 10 per line when clearing multiple lines.
The game is over as soon as you aren't able to place any of the given shapes.

Q: "Alright! Sounds fun! So what's that group for?"
A: I've made this group to keep everyone informed about the game. I will annouce any news & updates here and on the twitch posts feed.
Please also feel free to share your highscores of a round! Show everyone how good you are and how much lifetime you've already wasted!

Q: "I'm a streamer! Am i allowed to play the game on stream?"
A: Feel free to play the game on stream.
Note that just restreaming of the stream is not allowed!
You need to be a player and play the game on stream.

Q: "Are you updating the game alot?"
A: Since im just one developer, updates may be slow but they will come.
I'm trying to give everyone the best experience.
Please also share any crash or bug here so i can fix them as soon as possible!

Q: "Arrgghhh! The group is pretty empty.. >.<"
A: Yup. But even though we just have a small community, we love it. Invite your friends & enjoy your time playing together :)

For more rules, info on how to play the game and such please take a look at the channel description!

Feel free to invite your friends & play against them.

Twitch Plays - 1010! on @Twitch[]
인기 토론글
최근 공지
First update is live
댓글 2
Cynerta 2021년 5월 16일 오전 4시 59분 
Hiii so curious about this twitch game ^^
Gikesh 2020년 12월 28일 오후 11시 04분 
Just wanted to say thank you from twitch ytnp_gaming
게임 중
15 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2016년 9월 12일