Twisted Dragons [TD]
Twisted Dragons [TD]
게임 중
2007년 9월 17일
United States 
Twisted Dragons 정보

The Cave of the Twisted Dragons

[Being invited to our group DOES NOT make you a member of our clan!]

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Then God said, "Let there be light"
And there was light and God saw that it was good.
Then God said, "Let there be Unreal Tournament".
And so it came to be and God saw that it was good.
Then God said, "Let there be Spermy to make Unreal Tournament fun."
Then there was Spermy and God said...


Okay, maybe it wasn't quite in the beginning, maybe it was March 2002, Spermy decided it was his time to stake a claim in the vast world of Unreal tournament and the BONG clan was formed.
Through the evolution of the game, Spermy left the BONG clan taking his closest buddies and forming The Ingenious Motherfuckers {IMFS}. When they fucked up UT 2004, he then went on to Counterstrike Source, with Smoker and lok1gt to form The Integrated rogue Assassins - IrA - . Life was indeed good.

In anticipation ofUT 2007, The Integrated Rogue Assassins have gone back to their roots to include UT 2004 and with this change, have adopted the new name, The Twisted Dragons. UT3 now has been replaced with TF2.

Though the names have changed and the games have evolved, three things will always be a part of this clan's life...
Unreal Tournament...
Counterstrike Source...
and the fun and mayhem that can always be associated with Spermy's name.

The Twisted Dragons is about having fun. It's about being friends. We recruit, not on skills or strategy, but the sole ability to get along with our members. There is no ranking. There is no belittling. Just downright wholesome fun, (well... some might not call it wholesome :P ). We compete with other clans, but not with ourselves. We strive to improve each other's skills to make it more fun, not to better our ego.

Spermy has always dedicated his free time to making fun and exciting servers and asks for nothing in return other than friendship and a commitment to our ideals.
Knowing that every Twisted Dragon shares that same vision - there is never a dull moment in this place we call home.

THAT is what being a Twisted Dragon is all about.


Our Servers
TF2 Match Server
Custom Maps/Fast Respawn

Twisted Dragons[]
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2007년 9월 17일
United States