Turbo TF2 Players Group TTF2PG
Turbo TF2 Players Group TTF2PG
21 October, 2012
PageofVoid (TZ) 4 May, 2016 @ 10:31am 
Question. With Overwatch being released soon, will it be replacing TF2 on one of the schedule days (i.e. Tuesday OV, Fri/Sun TF2 e.t.c.)
FlameWing 18 Jan, 2016 @ 1:28pm 
Thanks everyone for the matches so far! Can't wait to continue the carnage in the future matches.
Mister-Skeever 7 Nov, 2015 @ 2:15pm 
hi im new here
TDarkShadow 3 Jan, 2015 @ 9:55am 
Hey everyone, glad I finally got joined this community and I wish you all a fair and fun death on the battlefield :demoticon:
gukingofheart 12 Dec, 2014 @ 4:29pm 
Oops, accidently scheduled an event for the wrong group, sorry about that
[cTF2w] Crafting 1 Sep, 2014 @ 8:26pm 
Heya, I FINALLY posted the "MvM Help" videos.
RetroMike 19 Jul, 2014 @ 11:09am 
Sorry for the repeat request for TF2. we were apparently making an even at the same time and mine came up afterwards.
The Aspiring Writer 11 Jun, 2014 @ 8:23pm 
I can't play on the server now because it "Runs on an older version of the game"....I don't know why, but...Is there anything I can do?
misterdarren 20 Apr, 2014 @ 8:10pm 
Hoppy Easter Everyone! If ever there was a day to wear a Max's, today would be it. Of course, don't take my word for it. My Heavy thinks every day is Smissmass! Ho ho ho!
Garog 20 Apr, 2014 @ 1:42pm 
Me being in the TF2 group is kinda pointless when I'm VAC banned anyway. :DLskull:
Oh well, it'll be cool to see the events anyway.
The Aspiring Writer 19 Apr, 2014 @ 9:00pm 
Hey everyone!
DerpyWisdom 26 Sep, 2013 @ 4:18pm 
@Kfrunt Rfrunt If you haven't been on for a while, the server's changed location; it's now, same password. Hope that helps.
kfrunt 26 Sep, 2013 @ 2:50pm 
I was going to play some tf2 with you guys today, but the server seems to have disappeared from my favorites list, and I can't find it at all. Any clue what's going on?
DerpyWisdom 2 Jul, 2013 @ 1:23pm 
@Ze Dr. Medic Add any Turbo you see that isn't in this group that plays TF2! I try to, but I'm only one guy :P
ZeDr'Bunclé 30 Jun, 2013 @ 8:11am 
We should really add more Turbo members to this group, the reason so many people joins when FrashFaur makes an announcement is because he does so on the Turbo Group.
At most, it feels like only about 50 members of this group actively plays TF2.
DerpyWisdom 29 Apr, 2013 @ 4:48pm 
@Ze Dr. Medic Though I do understand where you're coming from, I've heard several complaints of being bugged during the show by people who have steam open, which is also why the server usually isn't at its fullest when a live show is going on. As a result, this rule has been placed because I believe the majority of Turbo members would rather not be asked to play in the middle of a live show. This rule also encourages Turbo members to friend each other, so that if a person does feel playing with others during a live show, he or she can message his or her tf2 buddies to play with him or her.
ZeDr'Bunclé 1 Apr, 2013 @ 9:50am 
Why is the Event tab so glitchy all of a sudden?
ZeDr'Bunclé 24 Mar, 2013 @ 6:32am 
I would like to disagree with the first rule we have.
I, myself, do not watch the live shows, and I'm fairly sure..actually not too sure at all, that I am not the only one.
gukingofheart 11 Nov, 2012 @ 8:28pm 
Yes, if you were away for like a week. Click on the connect on the Play tab, then save that to your favorites
roboteddy 11 Nov, 2012 @ 7:32pm 
is there a new server adress. I cant seem too find it on the vga website
Manny (MJ/Mana) 5 Nov, 2012 @ 12:29am 
I'm in (in 2 weeks) :3 Call me up ANYtime then :3
ZeDr'Bunclé 22 Oct, 2012 @ 3:45pm 
Don't know about you, but I think the server is pretty active from 7 around 11, mind you I live in Sweden.
gukingofheart 22 Oct, 2012 @ 12:02am 
So this group will be used to get reg matches going in the VGA server?
Due to low activity, I'll stay in this group until things pick up again.