T$E tag team T$ETag
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T$E tag team T$ETag
2012. június 25.
Összes téma > General Discussions > Téma részletei
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If you can´t be active for two weeks or more than that, please write your name and link to your profile in this thread.
After you did that please leave the group.
If you post here you have one month time to ask a tag mod or the tag admin to post your name in the voting area. This means you don´t have to write a new application and there is also no need to wait one week till we accept you (if you get really fast enough votes).
Also if you don´t contact us during the month from the day you've left, your name will be removed from this thread. It means that you will have to re-apply.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Outseeker; 2015. jan. 23., 5:19
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Hey im taking a break from the chat for 1 to 2 weeks because i am a bit stressed but im active at the game i have already posted this on the main team evil page but just to be sure i post it here again i hope i see everyone again in the chat soon
I'm leaving Tag. Nothing against you guys, nothin' personal at all. My schedule plus a few creative aspirations I want to pursue mean that the time requirements of Tag aren't going to mesh so well with the direction I'm wanting to take professionally. I'm still supporting the community; I'm chilling in stream, I'm subbing (for six months straight now apparently, according to Twitch), and I'm going to continue to play with dudes and hop onto stream when I have time. Nothing's changing. I'm just not going to hang in Tag anymore for now because I can't promise you I will be able to make the time requirements and I'd rather leave than be kicked.

Stay classy and stay evil, heisters. You guys rock.
Well i might be losing my internet soon i dont know when but ill rather be safe then sorry and i really dont know when ill be getting it back if i do lose it.
I will be on a few business trips for the next weeks or month -.- So i will not play that much, so i will leave the Tag for now.

Hey guys I'm leaving tag not because I hate it here or anything, but I believe that I don't play enough to be apart of this community anymore. I have simply lost attraction for the game, and that being said I don't dislike the Payday games, I just don't think I have enough love to be a tag. Thanks for understanding, have a good day everyone.
Leaving tag temporarily because my internet's incredibly unstable right now. Hoping to rejoin once I get things sorted out with Telstra.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Sae; 2015. febr. 16., 5:59
Leaving the tag team too.
Seems like I can't enjoy playing Payday the way I did few onths ago. I sure will stay in T$E community and play with you guys sometimes, but I don't think I'm suited for tag team anymore.
Thanks to everyone for great fun I had here.
See ya :wave:
Leaving Tag.
I personally think new policies on 'cheating' mods are not valid. As a legit Payday player, I find them restrictive.
Hopefully that won't change anyone's opinions of me.
Hoping to see you in chat.
Might be inactive for a little bit, PSU has blown, hoping to get a new one and be back soon though.

EDIT: New PSU installed, everything working well, so I'm back :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: BLING; 2015. márc. 9., 7:28
I may or may not be active for quite a few days: I have to deal with family business and it COULD determine a bit of my own future. I'll have a chat with higher-hier members (elder TAGs or CORE members) in order to give news on my situation.

I wish I could be more specific about it, but I'd best avoid personnal issue on public discussions. Only a handful of people knows of this and I'd rather keep it at that (Not that I don't trust anyone in here, but I can't go blind of such delicate situations).

Estimated time of absence: From a couple of hours to 14 days. Hopefully a couple hours.

NB: If we judge necessary/preferable for me to be removed from TAG until I've solved this issue, contact me via Twitter or Steam, I'll have the TAG removed and reapply once I'm good to go.

Update: Scratch that, things got settled smoothly... you have NO idea how relieved I am, I feel like I've just reborn.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: HeavenWrath; 2015. márc. 13., 17:12
Hello Evils,

I am going be be very busy , the coming 2 weeks, got 3 project deadlines. So, i will be either away/busy and i won't be available to chat.

Hope you guys understand. :rshocked:

Edit : I am back in action!
Vic :SFvictory:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: V1ctor™; 2015. ápr. 17., 7:50
Taking a break , gonna be back in 1-2 months . I really don't know . Just wanted to tell the admins to write my name down in the voting area if I'm back within 1 month . For now , I think i'll take a break!

Having a few issues with my computer: keeps rebooting to install updates that were already installed... weeks ago, that is.

I'll have to run a diag, see where's the loophole and plug it. Hopefully I won't have to recover my system.
My computer issues are solved, but here goes another cliff hanger: My dog just had a first surgery and she'll get another one in about 6 weeks, which means we'll have to babysit the poor lad over the next three months.

I don't expect to be inactive at all, but I'd rather let you know I'll be much less active for that period (At least up 'til she gets much better and off the pain drugs). I'll continue visiting the discussion boards and connect to TS once in a while, but as for the streams and chat moderation, it'll probably become a third priority, first being the dog, second the discussion boards.

Unless I'm allowed to remain TAG for such events, lemme know if I have to leave and reapply to the group on a later date when I get freed from health-care duty.
I am leaving Tag. I have not been enjoying payday as much as I once was and there also have been some changes that I don't believe are for the better. I have enjoyed my time as a member but I am going to be moving on.

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Összes téma > General Discussions > Téma részletei