Train Simulator 2015 TrainSim2015
Train Simulator 2015 TrainSim2015
23 July, 2014
hrob 29 Nov, 2015 @ 4:05am 
I am new to train simulator but I am enjoying it very much. I realy enjoy the Canadian Pacific train through the rocky mountains.
최영 17 Jul, 2015 @ 6:17am 
russellhardman1961 8 May, 2015 @ 7:15pm 
New to the game but loving it so far. Hope to get better at it as I play it! Here to make friends as well!!!
maxmea 26 Mar, 2015 @ 12:28pm 
Привет, машинистам!
bvbbvb0909 28 Jan, 2015 @ 7:48am 
hello train simulator ???
telmomcruz 16 Jan, 2015 @ 7:56pm 
Hello guys. I am here for enjoy whith yours
edstrains 2 Jan, 2015 @ 7:29am 
Hello I just joined and have been Playing this game for years since it was Rail Simulator and has been upgraded over the years to 2015.
Floortje59 1 Jan, 2015 @ 6:46am 
Ingolstad - NURNBERG sehr schon!
Melodysharm 28 Dec, 2014 @ 10:23pm 
hi, I recently joined this groupand was wondering about any great DLCs. I've got several of them and am looking for more awesome ones.
trev0408 7 Dec, 2014 @ 3:54am 
hello I grew with model trains and this train simulator I got for my 50th has bee great and I enjoy it alot and hope to chat to others who love trains..
ron4haze 27 Nov, 2014 @ 1:31am 
hi all pleased to join you, my name is ron
Rolf Schreiter 28 Oct, 2014 @ 6:21am 
Free Demo Route of upcomming Highspeed Line "Ingolstadt-Nürnberg" available:
K. Jamison 19 Oct, 2014 @ 8:16pm 
Hello everyone. I was thinking of starting a Train Simulator 2015 clan such as something like Virtual Amtrak. If anyone is interested. Please contact me
♦ Ivegotnofans ♦ 24 Sep, 2014 @ 11:19am 
Hi Guys Iv'e just started playing this sim and have completed all the sims, but when i started career i was not gaining any points or rewards? Am i doind anything wrong?
adrianshaw41 23 Sep, 2014 @ 8:47am 
Anyone know of any Welsh lines that you are able to buy
rgscott04 18 Sep, 2014 @ 1:14am 
gotto want it
trainlvr08 17 Sep, 2014 @ 8:51am 
im so excited!!!!
Justus7190 17 Sep, 2014 @ 3:20am 
Tomorrow release! c:
Samuel Iles 16 Sep, 2014 @ 3:20pm 
Can I be a moderator please
Awaysthere 16 Sep, 2014 @ 1:38pm 
I can't wait C:
KNG DCK 16 Sep, 2014 @ 1:38pm