The Brotherhood of evil gamers! TBOEG
The Brotherhood of evil gamers! TBOEG
13 июля 2012 г.
Все обсуждения > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы
Ok I seriously am interested in what you think about this.
something I've noticed alot lately is a alarming amount of petitions showing up in game forums to pull certain games from Steam for various reasons. I seem to recall the shocking amount of "official" requests only seem to have started after the "War Z" fiasco.
For those that don't know, a shady development company named Hammerpoint Interactive decided to cash in on the "Day Z" craze (and name) by rushing out a MMO style zombie game and then released a broken buggy pre-alpha product that contained almost NONE of the features listed on the store page. Result was noble gamers took to the Steam forums and demanded that the obvious scam product be removed for legal and ethical reasons. The strongest showing of this plea for removal came in the form of a petition. The game was then subsequently removed and a resounding cheer of victory over the tyranny of seedy game development was heard throughout the gaming world.

Then.....something strange happened.

It seemed that on almost every game forum some jackass would start a petition thread that would then get laughed off , trolled, or deleted my mods.
But some didn't.
Some started gaining alot of momentum, and apparently the criteria for certain games removal became less and less of justifications and more of just bad reviews, or people feeling ripped off because a game wasn't that good , or they did no research into the finished product to see what they were buying.
Now I agree that if a case like "war Z" happens again, where the devs lie about a games components and features, mislead with all marketing techniques, and generally commit what the law describes as fraud, then a petition is warranted and the games removal is justified.
But I saw a massive gathering around a petition to remove "Aliens : Colonial Marines" today and I was shocked. I love this game and can't find a bloody thing wrong with it. Steam has taken note of this petition because apparently some components were outsourced to 3rd party devs without credit on the storepage, and also because the game looks different from a bit of E3 footage a year ago......Really people?
I caught myself defending against a petition to remove "Ice Age 4" the other night based soley on the argument against the fact that hardcore gamers felt that preschool video games are "shovelware" and not worthy of the integrity of Steams service and the age demograph that it already targets. That was it. Game worked fine and nothing was wrong with it. I mean sure it's probably a horrible game, but thats just subjective opinion and not worth an actual petition for removal. (although the forum mods got involved)

I guess my whole observation since the War Z fiasco is that the petition created in that case, while completely justified , created a horrible precedent that empowered gamers with a sense that they had a new form of control over a games exsistance on the service.
It's getting ridiculous from where I'm standing, and I want to know what you guys feel about it.

Please agree or disagree but just leave a comment because I'm trying to get a feel for what people think about this. No judging I just want to know how you feel about game petitions for the good or bad, and maybe we can get a good dialogue or debate going here.

Any trolling here and i'll delete your post and get the banhammer out.
Отредактировано Murtle; 15 фев. 2013 г. в 20:42
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Yep. The petitioning threads are getting out of hand. It worked wonders on WarZ. But now, everyone want a petition going when a game doesn't score all that great. I went on the Ice Age 4 threads to see what was going on. It consisted of a bunch of kids complaining on how the game was bad and that it should be removed from Steam. When asked, most say that it's too short or incomplete in some way. Oh and how they love to throw the word shovelware around. I'm positive that most of them don't even know what it means. Sure, the game didn't score all the great, but it's a complete game. It was short as well, but the description didn't say otherwise.

It saddens me that this is going to be the trend from now on. If people don't like a certain game, they'll plea for it to be removed for childish reasons. Like I said previously, this is going to get out of hand.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a kid to voice his opinion on the internet and he'll never ever...ever....ever shut up"

War Z was release under false pretence, but stuff like Ice Age 4, I'm not sure steam could even throw it out without legal ramifications. I mean it does what it says on the tin. I dont like mindless semi-railgun shooters, but that doesnt mean I'll start a petition to get the Call of Duties of steam.
Yeah, I remember that petition against A:CM. There were people slamming the game that didn't even have it or played it before!!!! Seriously??? They just bombed it to go with the crowd!!! Personally, I think forums (especially) and Steam contain too many morons with uneducated and childish opinions and behaviors. And some of the moderators for Steam take sides or just don't care about their 'appearance'. For example, I've been to steam hubs where even though the game doesn't have VAC, they still let hackers POST videos of them hacking in game and links to where they got the hacks!! REALLY STEAM???

But I got a lil off the subject, sorry. I preordered A:CM and enjoyed it too. It was not the product that they initially advertised for so very long, but it was Gearbox and I knew they would fix the issues, and they did.
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Все обсуждения > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы
Дата создания: 15 фев. 2013 г. в 20:42
Сообщений: 3

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