Tru Gaming Servers tru-|
Tru Gaming Servers tru-|
10 June, 2016
Showing 1-5 of 5 entries
Ray's Mod Application
Scaryxd JB Mod Application
IGN: ScaryxD

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80916708

Country: Canada

Timezone: Atlantic Timezine

Age: 16

What is your first language, and what other languages do you know?
- My first language is English and nothing else.

Have you been recommended to be a moderator by any staff member of Tru Gaming? If so, who?
- I have not been recommended by a staff member.

Have you ever been an admin or moderator before? If so, where?
- Yes I was a Moderator on Gmod, on the server Ice Fuse.

How many hours a week are you able to be on the servers?
- up to 10-15 hours+

What days/times of the week can you moderate?
- On weekdays: 4pm to 9:30pm.
- Weekends: almost all day

How long have you been with and how many hours Tru Gaming?
- 20 hours+

What server are you apply for admin on?
- Jail Break

Are you willing to be active both in-game and on the forums?
- Yes I will

Why do you think you deserve to be promoted to moderator?
- Because i'm a good person to people and I have good communication skills, and will help other players with what they need help with.

What would you, as a moderator, do to make Tru Gaming a safe environment for everyone?
- I would tell the person that are not being nice to people to stop and to make sure that no one is being the game in anyway.

A player is mute dodging on the server so they can continue mic spamming. After you get permission to ban the player for a day, other players start arguing against the ban, saying that it was unfair. What do you do?
- I would tell them why he was banned and then go over the ban with another admin or higher up and see see if that person should be unbanned or not.

Most players on the server aren't respecting you as an Mod/Admin, and are ignoring what you say or even harassing you. What do you do?
- I would either mute them after a warning and if they keep going then kick them for staff disrespect

What service(s) or help would you be able to provide to the server besides authority to the server?
- What I would do is help with making the server big and help with bugs on the server.
dakotard mod app
Showing 1-5 of 5 entries