STEAM グループ
**Trolling Traders** ShowMeYourTT
STEAM グループ
**Trolling Traders** ShowMeYourTT
全てのスレッド > 総合掲示板 > トピックの詳細
win, win, win
Rivdog: hello 17:55:07
Rui: yes? 17:55:12
Rivdog: so i noticed that knife 17:55:24
Rui: ok? 17:55:30
Rivdog: and i have a friends (someone i know) that will buy it from me for $350 17:56:00
Rui: ok? 17:56:12
Rivdog: and i will give you $325 of it back 17:56:19
Rivdog: and i onlu keep $25 17:56:25
Rivdog: sound good? 17:56:29
Rui: so how is this going to work? 17:56:30
Rivdog: you send me the knife 17:56:37
Rivdog: then i show him 17:56:40
Rivdog: he send me th money through paypal then i send you money 17:56:55
Rivdog: soun good? 17:57:04
Rivdog: my "friend" gets the knife 17:57:37
Rivdog: you get $325 17:57:44
Rivdog: and i get $25 17:57:50
Rivdog: win, win, win 17:57:55

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1-3 / 3 のコメントを表示
2sh0ts 2014年2月26日 15時15分 
XDDD never sieze to amaze me :DDDD
quY* 2014年2月26日 17時08分 
loooooooooooooooooooool trust him it is a win XD
so much win
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全てのスレッド > 総合掲示板 > トピックの詳細