Transport Fever Modders for Modd TpF MfM
Transport Fever Modders for Modd TpF MfM
6 лютого 2017 р.
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Environments, seasons, and other stuff
[Photoshop] Generate Normal Map
Environments, seasons, and other stuff
Skybox tips & tricks
I have learned a lot from the HDR formats, and you are correct, most of the header data is related to photography, focal length, exposure settings, stuff like that. BUT, as you have seen, there is very little .exif data in the Skybox .hdr files, just a thumbnail and RGB channels, a glorified JPEG really.

Here is a little tutorial on converting photo images to HDR with GIMP:

I know you don't use GIMP, but just reading through the tutorial gives you an idea of what the HDR format is. (I have used GIMP for a while for .dds files, and have gotten used to it's quirks.)
I just got the Photoshop Cloud app, and noticed that it is almost an exact copy of Paint Shop Pro: http://www.paintshoppro.com/en/

You can even purchase it instead of renting a cloud based application. Now I am conflicted. Cancel Photoshop and get Paint Shop?

Photoshop wants me to be connected to the web while using it, this could be problematic as I have a Satellite based ISP, (I am very rural, deep in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains), with a 25Gb monthly limit, Paint Shop does not require I be connected, ... but will it work with Substance Painter?

Maybe OlaHaldor can answer that.

Fog color, you are correct , the number is arithmetic. It is just as easy to open the image in GIMP, select or point to the desired pixel and get that number, then plug it into the mod LUA, ... meh? it worked for the Sunset mod.

Side Note: I didn't modify any Shader files for the Sunset mod, just the Base_Config data. I don't think the Skybox panels should be "glossy", ... "atmospheric" would be better (pun).

I have an "Experimental" Sunrise mod I am working on, I will upload it soon with a warning that it is experimental and may be removed/changed at any time.
Kid Stuff? Maybe, but there was no tutorial for it and my questions went unanswered in the Public Modding discussions, ... HDR files, light direction, light level, fog color, ...???

What does it mean?
game.config.environment = {
light = {
direction = { math.cos(math.rad(60.0)), math.sin(math.rad(60.0)), math.tan(math.rad(50.0)) },
pmremShadow = "env/shadow.hdr",
pmremSun = "env/sun.hdr",
refBrightness = 2.0

fog = {
color = { 0.55, 0.95, 1.05 }

skyBox = {
textures = {

envMap = {
texture = "c.tga"

What I know so far:

light = { direction = { math.cos(math.rad(60.0)), math.sin(math.rad(60.0)), math.tan(math.rad(50.0)) },
a trigonometric function: since I suck at trigonometry, light angles have been trial and error.

The next two I am not sure about as the textures\env folder has hdr files shadow_0. hdr through shadow_5.hdr, each with 6 shadow_'n'_mm_'n'=1 to 6. Same wit the sun_'n'.hdr files. Perhaps they contain .exif headers?

pmremShadow = "env/shadow.hdr",
pmremSun = "env/sun.hdr",
refBrightness = 2.0 the higher the number the darker, that's it.
fog = { color = { 0.55, 0.95, 1.05 } this little array is not intuitive, that is, it is not RGB, ARGB, HTML, CMYK, HSL, HSV/HSB, ... BGR possibly? Arithmetic

However, I discovered that in GIMP, using the color picker tool will give the "pixel color" number along with the other formats, oddly enough that number directly corresponds with the color you are trying to get. A color chart here would be handy:
skyBox = { textures = {
HDR files divided into a six-sided box. TGA files, unlike Train Fever, do not work in Transport Fever. They must be HDR format with a resolution from 1024 to 8192 (I've tested 4k sizes, so far)

Bottom here is almost invisible or is not noticable as the "fog" obscures it.
The file names 0, 90, 180, 270 are just a naming convention, similar to front, left, back, and right as most skybox assemblies are named. The default game has 270 for the sun image, but since the game has no North-East-West-South, you can put the sun almost anywhere as long as you use the correct inputs for Light Direction.
Converting images to .hdr format was a big problem as there are not a lot of "free" applications that can do this, until recently, I used this little gadget:

Hopefully, I haven't gotten everything all bassackwards, but feel free to illuminate.

Next are some questions about Visual Studio:

Under Shaders, in fog.vs, what do lines 19, 21, and 23 do?
....................., in fog.fs why would one include it if nothing was changed?
....................., in fog.gs, what do lines 19, 21, and 23 do?
....................., in water.fs what do lines 62 and 100 do?**

**line 62 is the Arithmetic number set for color and line 100 is transparency.

[Photoshop] Generate Normal Map
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