Transport Fever Modders for Modd TpF MfM
Transport Fever Modders for Modd TpF MfM
6 February, 2017
Skiwee 6 Feb, 2017 @ 4:17am
[Photoshop] Generate Normal Map
The first time I did my normal map (Train Fever) 100% by hand taking days. Now I'm done in a few minutes, if not seconds from this little discovery. lol sound like an infomercial :steamfacepalm:

Creating Normal Map from a simple bump/height map
Starting with a gray base color and going darker for lower and lighter to go higher. Gradients are nice for vents too.
Last edited by Skiwee; 6 Feb, 2017 @ 4:28am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
BuffHamster 6 Feb, 2017 @ 2:19pm 
Awesome, just signed up for the CC @ 10.79 USD, ... what happened to the days of purchasing software? now we rent it?

Normal maps!! now I can really tweak the scenery.
Skiwee 6 Feb, 2017 @ 2:32pm 
Yea I know right was just thinking that.
BuffHamster 5 Mar, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
I never got Photoshop to work right for me. I was using Creative Cloud and Photoshop but it would never allow me to open a single file, ... I followed all the tips and tricks on their community forums, why should I have to jump though all these hoops just to open a file? Then I discovered that even when not using it, it had too many processes running in the background, it wanted to be connected all the time.

I dumped it and opted for Paint Shop Pro X9 Ultimate, ... on disks !!, that came in a box !! and I don't have to pay for a monthly subcription !! and all the plugins for PS work just fine in PSP with Plugin Commander !!
"He has glasses and he can't see which is the better deal." -Burger King commercial
Skiwee 6 Mar, 2017 @ 8:12am 
Originally posted by BuffHamster:
I never got Photoshop to work right for me. I was using Creative Cloud and Photoshop but it would never allow me to open a single file, ... I followed all the tips and tricks on their community forums, why should I have to jump though all these hoops just to open a file? Then I discovered that even when not using it, it had too many processes running in the background, it wanted to be connected all the time.

I dumped it and opted for Paint Shop Pro X9 Ultimate, ... on disks !!, that came in a box !! and I don't have to pay for a monthly subcription !! and all the plugins for PS work just fine in PSP with Plugin Commander !!
"He has glasses and he can't see which is the better deal." -Burger King commercial
Thats odd I've never once had trouble being unable to open any file. I installed, added the Nvidia plugin and have not had any issues sinds. With CS5/6 when working in 3d-mode every now an then it would crash but sinds I started using CC I've no longer had any issues apart from running out of memory which is quickly/easly fixed.
P.S. Out of curiosity what format where you trying to open?
Last edited by Skiwee; 6 Mar, 2017 @ 8:16am
BuffHamster 6 Mar, 2017 @ 10:48am 
Jpeg, .tga, .png, .dds, and hdr. PSPX9 can open .dds and .hdr and it can also create hdr images, ...

From all the tips on the Photoshop community website, it may have been that there was an antivirus or similar program blocking it, that and the fact that it would only install on my C: drive, which is an SSD drive for Windows, System, and Admin specified files only ...

I had no control over where it wanted to put itself and it's assorted apps. I also had no control over the processes it ran in the background when I wasn't using it. Because my ISP uses a fast satellite modem, I have to keep a close watch on my data limits, which is 25Gb per month. When I have programs running in the background that are constantly going online back and forth (uploading and downloading image files from the cloud), my data allowance gets eaten up pretty quickly.

The reason I gave them for opting out was "too many technical issues". After installing PSPX9 and all of it's free stuff, I find that I like it much better, I mean, it worked right from the start, and all for one price.
Skiwee 6 Mar, 2017 @ 11:02am 
May have been antivirus indeed, I turned off majority of the background stuff as I'm not interrested in using any of it (Adobe does offer an excesive amount of junk I don't/won't ever use). Anyway glad you found something that works for you.
Last edited by Skiwee; 6 Mar, 2017 @ 11:02am
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