Torai's Giveaway Torai
Torai's Giveaway Torai
2013. július 17.
Összes téma > Általános témák > Téma részletei
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March 4th giveaway event
Trying to do a giveaway event for my b-day on the 4th I will be giving away a game and will try to end it on midnight of the 4th mountain time. Hope others can contribute. I will have it start on the 1st of march. Either send me the link for the giveaway or put it in your post so I can organize them. Thanks!
So Far we have:
Legutóbb szerkesztette: marcioquatro; 2014. febr. 18., 13:02
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Sure, I'll contribute with something! I'll have to create the giveaway in the weekend or so, though!
I am having them start on the 1st of march by the way. Also either send me the link for the giveaway or put it in your post so I can organize them. Thanks
Legutóbb szerkesztette: marcioquatro; 2014. febr. 5., 2:53
Will do as soon as I create it! :)
I'll create one later, still a very long 2-3 weeks more :P
ok I will add it when you have (2 copies)

All $0 CV. They're already started for convenience, and will end at Midnight 4th March mountain time.

Gd luck :)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: xiiliea; 2014. febr. 18., 4:28
ok updated the giveaway list and thanks again to those contributing
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Összes téma > Általános témák > Téma részletei