Meet the Robin (top 30 donors) top30
Meet the Robin (top 30 donors) top30
16 juli 2011
60 opmerkingen
Avenger 11 aug 2011 om 20:22 
Got my hat just after the update as well iirc, thanks v much guys!
DavidCheah 11 aug 2011 om 19:55 
no my hat is also not giftable and check wiki it also say it is not giftable
chugaslug 11 aug 2011 om 18:22 
i got my hat but it isnt giftable i thought the guys said you can give them to your friends if you already have one...
fash 9 aug 2011 om 18:15 
Huh? I got mine the day after the event, if I remember correctly...
Count Simpula 3 aug 2011 om 19:18 
Got mine today as well.

Man, I wish I could of gone to that thing.
Japanimater 3 aug 2011 om 19:01 
I got my non-vintage Lo-Fi Longwave hat today upon starting TF2 after the update. Thanks for getting this sorted out.
jc ham 31 jul 2011 om 3:36 
Yeah i havnt receive my hat either.
Falco 31 jul 2011 om 3:21 
Yeah, that's the one, as I said few winers didn't replied, and you did, you may receive your non-vintage Lo-Fi soon.
Japanimater 30 jul 2011 om 11:32 
I don't know if I got the message or not, was it the one sent out before the MtM match letting us know our donation rank and telling us we were among the 30 and to keep a eye out for the invitation to this group?
Falco 30 jul 2011 om 4:58 
The list isn't gonna be released, Valve will not release another blog post about this charity, I am sorry :/, anyway few people from top30 still haven't replied on my Congratulating e-mail so not all winers are known. And still if you have issies with Lo-Fi, I asked Agro to fix it already.
Japanimater 28 jul 2011 om 22:36 
Before the MtM match, I was asked in a email by Matej for my Steam name for if/when the donators list was released publicly. Is it planned by Valve for this list to be released or otherwise?
jc ham 28 jul 2011 om 0:42 
At Last, i am finally here.
Falco 24 jul 2011 om 10:05 
k, I am back from vacation, going to solve all the problems, please be patient.
GabbyBob 22 jul 2011 om 22:53 
I didn't think it was that much of a problem. :/ I don't have my hat either but I thought it was because I already have one.
Japanimater 22 jul 2011 om 21:43 
I just got word from Matej Horváth(the other end of and he said when he returns from vacation this monday, he'll contact Aggro about this situation.
Japanimater 21 jul 2011 om 22:43 
Just explain the situation and tell them your Steam name and profile URL.
Japanimater 21 jul 2011 om 22:42 
After emailing them at their official email , it seems they thought everyone who already joined this group already got their hat from Aggro. If you haven't received your Lo-Fi Longwave hat from this event, it might be in your best interest to email them and let them know.
chugaslug 19 jul 2011 om 22:57 
hate to add to this but i haven't gotten my lo-fi but it is probably because im on the east coast and agro is in england lol
Falco 18 jul 2011 om 13:26 
RaCio has link, but he is offline 18 hours :/
rebmcr 18 jul 2011 om 8:29 
Can we download the STV .dem anywhere yet?
fash 18 jul 2011 om 0:41 
Yes, I wore a Magnanimous Monarch sometimes.

Please invite us to the Lo-Fi Owners Group.
Japanimater 17 jul 2011 om 21:53 
I haven't received my Lo-Fi hat yet, I already had the vintage lo-fi from the kritzcast event but I didn't get the non-vintage one from this event.
DavidCheah 17 jul 2011 om 20:56 
I was the 1 wearing my heavy unusual and keep changing them each ime i die :).(Oh ty for the Lo-Fi hat btw)
WorstNewbie 17 jul 2011 om 15:58 
Was anyone wearing a Magnanimous Monarch? If I made it to the event, I would have used it for all my class loadouts, lol.
fash 17 jul 2011 om 13:36 
I was surprised that I was the only one wearing Max's Severed Head. I wasn't surprised that a lot of people had HOUWAR. You're obviously big spenders. I didn't get one because I refused to buy Call of Duty.
Japanimater 17 jul 2011 om 10:55 
Was surprised to see that many other players wearing a Houwar. I'm used to there maybe only being one other player in the same server wearing one, but 2-3 others?!
Trakais 17 jul 2011 om 9:44 
That was amazing to see Valve Rocket Launcher in action xD
McLaglen 17 jul 2011 om 6:21 
Turns out that sv_pure doesn't get along with my custom Nemesis soundbyte, causing my client to crash. Guess who Dominated me twice on Goldrush?
Avenger 16 jul 2011 om 22:40 
Thanks Agro, very nice touch :P
Lol David, I think I killed him quite a few times more than he did me ;] Well on the normal maps anyway, degroot was a different matter xD
DavidCheah 16 jul 2011 om 18:31 
GabbyBob 16 jul 2011 om 15:01 
I hope you guys all had a great time. It was fun to watch. :D
Agro | KritzKast 16 jul 2011 om 14:56 
stay in the group. I'll send the Lo-Fi's tomorrow
[TASF]Overkill 16 jul 2011 om 14:47 
GG all!
WorstNewbie 16 jul 2011 om 13:26 
Can someone message me the server ip and password? I just happened to get on my computer right now--was busy earlier...
n0em 16 jul 2011 om 12:20 
@Overkill They are going to be doing a live stream here:
[TASF]Overkill 16 jul 2011 om 12:17 
Is there a way for friends and family with TF2 (or even without) to spectate such a game?
snoweris 16 jul 2011 om 11:53 
Agro, could you give the print link?
Agro | KritzKast 16 jul 2011 om 11:51 
Gunna get a pint, chill out for a bit then come back in an hour
see you all then
... Oh and the match is live streaming across all the screens in London's Trocadero Center (HMV)
Falco 16 jul 2011 om 11:47 
I am damn confused with time zones. Match will begin in 1h and 10mins
[TASF]Overkill 16 jul 2011 om 11:14 
Note that the news post says: Match date:

Saturday, July 16th
13:00 PST
16:00 EST
21:00 BST
22:00 CEST

That means, to me, we are playing in 1 hour and 45 minutes from this post.
n0em 16 jul 2011 om 11:11 
@ J.A.E.j2 If the time has not changed, it should be in 2 hours. However, I am a bit confused because the announcement says that it is going to be in 3 hours.
Japanimater 16 jul 2011 om 11:10 
Seriously, from the time of this post, how much more time till the match? According to the site, in my timezone it's supposed to be at 3PM SUNDAY when right now it's 1:12 PM SATURDAY in my timezone. Yet, there are people saying the match is in a few hours.
DavidCheah 16 jul 2011 om 10:33 
Omg i in here:)
Falco 16 jul 2011 om 9:51 
we will let u know, about like in 4 hours
[TASF]Overkill 16 jul 2011 om 9:23 
What time's the shindig?
Falco 16 jul 2011 om 8:52 
USAFMike was chosen as Player of Week, because his donation was highest.
Garrison 16 jul 2011 om 8:18 
#14 here, awesome
Agro | KritzKast 16 jul 2011 om 8:05 
Hey, i'm lucky winner #10
USAFMike 16 jul 2011 om 7:32 
Sweet, can't wait.
Retroperspect 16 jul 2011 om 4:07 
I'm going to update the "timeleft" here in the comment area to help others and remind myself the time so far theres 9 hours left before the event starts