กลุ่ม STEAM
Thunder Raffles TRaffles
กลุ่ม STEAM
Thunder Raffles TRaffles
24 มิถุนายน 2013
United States 
เกี่ยวกับ Thunder Raffles

Thunder Raffles

The Group
Hi! This is a raffle group I will be starting probably won't be too big at first but hopefully it will grow :). Pretty much what I'm going to do here is raffles off just a ton of items that either i have or if people are kind enough to donate for me to raffle them off. If you see a raffle you like just add me, trade me whatever the entry fee was, and tell me what number slot you would like in that raffle. I probably won't be doing too many raffles at first but I'll probably start doing more as the group gets bigger. If you want to help out the group add everyone on your friendslist. :D
- No refunds
- Don't change your name
- No scamming
- I use www.random.org to pick the winners! :)
Want to Raffle an Item?
If you want your item raffled here just let me know. If you do raffle your item here I'll keep only 1 of the entry fees to help afford other items to give away in the group!

Raffle Types
Here I'll be doing many types of Raffles.

1.BASIC RAFFLE : There is an entry fee, a winner is selected, and the winner will recieve whatever the item is that was being raffled.

2.GIVEAWAYS : I don't really like just calling these free raffles, I personally just think entry fee when I hear raffle not free, so I'll be calling them giveaways. If you don't know what a giveaway is you should probably seek some physiatric help, but I'll explain it anyways. You messege me telling me what slot you want in the giveaway, once the slots are filled I will select a winner, and the winner will get whatever is being given away.

3.CRAFTLES : Some people don't exactly know what craftles are but I've seen a few and think they're kind of interesting. You pay the entry fee which is always metal. I'll take the metal and craft them into hats. I'll select a winner and that person will recieve the crafted hat/hats.

4.DOUBLE OR NOTHING RAFFLE : This title usually isn't correct considering there's probably never going to be one of these with only 2 slots but, meh, oh well. :3 Anyways the way this works is there will be a set entry fee, a winner will be selected and the winner will recieve their entry fee back as well as the other members' entry fees.
Everyone Join the new raffle
Free Raffle! Invite new members!
2 ความเห็น
kondrat1k 13 มี.ค. 2014 @ 5: 09pm 
Game Title: Rust
Server name: [RUS] RGBD (Moscow)
IP address to connect:
IP address to gather statistics:
Current Map Server: rust_island_2013
Game Type: Oxide
Password: No
Location: Moscow
The allowable number of players: 105
Airdrop 20 +, Sleepers ON, PvP ON
Oxide latest version.
Admins on the server adequate adults, sometimes play with other players, but seriously in the gameplay and do not interfere with raids are not engaged. Server still young and you still have good places for settlement, we are waiting for you! :)
Ciel 4 ก.ค. 2013 @ 8: 00pm 
join da raffle
0 ในแช็ต
24 มิถุนายน 2013
United States 