The Usual Suspects, AU TUS
The Usual Suspects, AU TUS
20 de julio de 2010
52 comentarios
Will 7 JUL 2011 a las 20:12 
Everyone has contracted goiter and is currently investing in high risk stock to attend law school in order to become a doctor and eventually a government official. Toast has 12 children named Aziz.
billy loomis 7 JUL 2011 a las 10:39 
How's everyone doing?
herp 26 JUN 2011 a las 20:11 
Temporary mumble server:
port: 64738
No password.
billy loomis 25 JUN 2011 a las 21:30 
Mumble subscription has been cancelled. Will probably go down at the end of this month.
billy loomis 25 JUN 2011 a las 13:07 
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
[*lil' bit] 23 JUN 2011 a las 5:29 
For any of you who play League of Legends, I have an exclusive skin item code from work. First come, first served! :) Msg me on Steam.
herp 20 JUN 2011 a las 17:53 
♥ Princess Flandoll 20 JUN 2011 a las 11:26 
first you get the sugar, then you get the hats... then you get the women
Billy Loomis 15 JUN 2011 a las 21:46 
Don't upset the big bad admins. They're out for blood.
Billy Loomis 14 JUN 2011 a las 1:56 
Everyone needs to have a girl in their avatar
barry beuglord 9 JUN 2011 a las 22:16 
best avatar is best
bpj 9 JUN 2011 a las 21:19 
good avatar is good
Billy Loomis 8 JUN 2011 a las 10:08 
I don't always drop out, but when I do, it's with uber pushing last.
barry beuglord 6 JUN 2011 a las 1:35 
I do not approve of this avatar.
I would like to humply request a more humorous one.
herp 5 JUN 2011 a las 22:00 
I do not approve of this avatar.
I would like to humbly request a more humorous one.
Will 3 JUN 2011 a las 21:02 
I approve of this thread and its penile reduction based medications.
dokb 3 JUN 2011 a las 20:45 
Sorry Flake, Billy has been working hard all this time, while at the same time, being hilarious as well as not racist.

10 points (Player of the Week) to the man who has too much.
barry beuglord 29 MAY 2011 a las 8:11 
playa of the week cos i not racist
Billy Loomis 26 MAY 2011 a las 11:58 
I can has core lineup this week?
♥ Princess Flandoll 26 MAY 2011 a las 8:49 
old, and.... you slightly mad because iv played ranked and i am so casual about it? :p
Will 25 MAY 2011 a las 17:53 
It's only a matter of time:
Will 19 MAY 2011 a las 21:33 
Zip containing gen 3 sprays. Active until May 26:
Will 19 MAY 2011 a las 21:11 
Zip containing gen 3 avatars. Active until May 26:
Billy Loomis 2 MAY 2011 a las 20:47 
Big thanks to Dok for donating some money top pay for Mumble this week
Billy Loomis 27 ABR 2011 a las 5:52 
Have you seen my spray?
I've got heaps if you want more
bpj 26 ABR 2011 a las 20:40 
i really like this steam group avatar, dont change it :)
dokb 23 ABR 2011 a las 17:27 

welcum back proto :))))))
♥ Princess Flandoll 22 ABR 2011 a las 9:44 
Billy Loomis 21 ABR 2011 a las 21:50 
bpj 21 ABR 2011 a las 1:31 
happy easter in advance everyone, ill be back for our game on the 26th.
Billy Loomis 16 ABR 2011 a las 11:59 
Who ever posted this avatar gets player of the week
herp 7 ABR 2011 a las 8:32 
I'd tender that grill, if you know what I mean.
herp 31 MAR 2011 a las 1:15 
fffff, why proto?
♥ Princess Flandoll 30 MAR 2011 a las 21:35 
today i'll be packing up my computer and taking it home to my ♥♥♥♥ internet, idk when ill be able to play another game, or when i'll be online.
Billy Loomis 24 MAR 2011 a las 10:47 
Dok deserves Player of the week, cause he's always up late and talks with me when I'm drunk.
herp 21 MAR 2011 a las 22:03 
>least unusuls: semi-fiction
Will 16 MAR 2011 a las 17:25 
semi-fiction 14 MAR 2011 a las 16:24 
sign me up : )
Billy Loomis 14 MAR 2011 a las 10:55 
Ok guys, I just need Proto and Semi to confirm if they want to sign up to ozfl again
dokb 9 MAR 2011 a las 20:06 
implying he wasnt leading the entire teime. shame on you for thinking otherwise. inb4 ding kicks us all
Billy Loomis 9 MAR 2011 a las 9:39 
inb4 Ding becomes clan leader
herp 9 MAR 2011 a las 1:02 
Good news, TUS is now alive again with most core members already expressing interest to play again!
Desiderata 2 MAR 2011 a las 7:33 
inb4 reunon
herp 2 MAR 2011 a las 4:29 
Needs more Sittin on tha Toilet.
Billy Loomis 26 FEB 2011 a las 9:22 
Needs more #hungover gaming
Billy Loomis 24 FEB 2011 a las 4:55 
I'd say he deserves player of the week just for that comment alone... But I know you were all thinking it also. Come back soon dok!
dokb 24 FEB 2011 a las 3:12 
btw I made myself player of the week just so you can ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ remember me like im dead or something.

im drunk niow but remember me guys ok, dont forget me. inb4 DoktorWho? Who is DoktorB? I wish I was half the guy this guy, what a champ, hung like a baboon etc.