The Secret World - Funcom TSW (GER)
The Secret World - Funcom TSW (GER)
2014. november 10.
A(Z) The Secret World - Funcom CSOPORTRÓL

The Secret World

The Secret World ist ein Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Spiel in der Welt von heute, bei dem du dich den Illuminaten, Templern oder Drachen anschließt, um die nahende Finsternis zu bekämpfen.

Das größte MMO-Abenteuer deines Lebens wartet auf dich.

The Christmas Conspiracy Event!
Tons of new Items!

There are a host of new pets, funny hats, outfits and more this year's Holiday event. You can get your hands on these new items through the new Rucksacks of Saturnalian Delights, which can be gotten as rewards for the Christmas Conspiracy and Krampus missions, and bought in the Item Shop.

You can also buy the Bag of Wassail in the Item Shop, which not only gives you a bag with the new items, but also up to 20 other players around you. Use the bag around at least 10 other players and you will be rewarded with an all new dance!

So there is plenty to do in The Secret World this Christmas. Take in an opera, solve intricate puzzles, gather to take on Hel when she leaves the realm of Niflheim, battle the monsters of the End of Days, get yourself a funny carrot nose or adopt an undead polar bear pet!

Issue #10: Nightmares in the Dream Palace is here!
All New Trailer

Click here to watch the all new preview trailer of Issue #10: Nightmares in the Dream Palace.

Issue #10 Early Access

Issue #10 is available in the Item Shop now for all Members, as they get three days early access. If you become a Member now you will also get early access and you will immediately get $10 worth of Bonus Points (enough to buy Issue #10). Please note that you need to own issue #9: The Black Signal and have access to the Tokyo playfield to play Issue #10.

Collector's Edition

You can also get Issue #10: Nightmares in the Dream Palace Collector's Edition in the Item Shop right now. It contains the full Issue #10 plus the epic Orochi AEGIS Disruptor Curiosity, the unique Japanese formal bow emote and the Dreams of a Geisha outfit!

Read more about Issue #10: Nightmares in the Dream Palace below the Issue cover. At the bottom of the article you can also enjoy the all new Issue #10 comic!

Deep Secrets Revealed

Issue #10 continues the main story of The Secret World. Leave the quarantine zone and follow the trail of bodies left behind by the Rabbit-headed assassin.

Discover the dark secret behind the Fear Nothing Foundation and see how deep its connections truly go.

Explore the twisted mind of the man who set off the bomb in Tokyo. Delve into a nightmare unlike any other and get the answers you have been yearning for.

New Areas

This update opens up big new areas of Tokyo. Explore the haunted Orochi Tenements. These houses used to be filled with the workers of the Orochi corporation. Horrors and demons now stalk the corrupted streets.

Travel to the docks and take on all new monsters and an evolved strain of Filth. This new threat has been spreading from a cargo ship, containing creatures from another continent.

Enter the Dream Palace Love Hotel to sample its pleasures.

AEGIS Shield

You can now get your hands on even more powerful Orochi technology. The all new AEGIS shields will give you an added defense against the powerful creatures of Tokyo.

You can swap between three different types of shields, depending on which type of enemy you face. All new upgrades for these shields have also become available, so you can customize your character's AEGIS equipment as you see fit.

Other players can also heal your AEGIS shields, giving you many new tactical options for difficult fights.

24 megjegyzés
=gBs= drako 2014. dec. 4., 6:40 
Aber keine Ahnung ob das jetzt der Early Access für Subscriber ist.
Der Rest muss sich dann noch 3 Tage gedulden.
Shovel Fighter 2014. dec. 4., 6:12 
yea, wie geil. danke drako für die info
=gBs= drako 2014. dec. 4., 6:08 
So Issue 10 ist im Shop erhältlich :)
Shovel Fighter 2014. nov. 17., 6:04 
sehr cool
Shovel Fighter 2014. nov. 17., 3:39 
klingt vernünftig. ^^ wird mir ja auch keine andere möglichkeit übrig bleiben! aber hast schon recht, hab die letzte zeit viel mit sunshineM***** gespielt, dessen main auch n dragon ist. oder bei events mit lumies.
=gBs= drako 2014. nov. 17., 3:35 
Ist im Endeffekt egal, ich als Dragon spiele hauptsächlich mit Temps und Lumies zusammen, nur im PvP mit meiner Fraktion. Eine Gilde wie in anderen Spielen ist absolut unnötig, vor allem da Gilden ne Menge "totes" Personal mit sich rumschleppen und das will aussortiert werden ;)

Ich habe bin meine eigene Kabale und spiele Endgame nur über Freundesliste und ab und an Pugs das ist vollkommen ausreichend. Nach ner Zeit kennt man eh so gut wie alle Stammspieler in TSW. Gruppencontent wird nur von annährend 10% der Spieler gespielt, der Rest spielt hauptsächlich solo oder Events.

Also wie gesagt füllt eure Freundesliste und später joint in entsprechende Chatchannels dann passt das schon :)
A csoport „Hét játékosa”:
2014. november 10.