Dooby and Seneath's Pleasure Palace Seneath
Dooby and Seneath's Pleasure Palace Seneath
8 February, 2015
Whaddaweirdo 14 Feb, 2015 @ 9:17am
Report admin abuse
Report admin abuse here by using this format:
Your Ingame Name:
Admin who complaint is against:
Explanation of what happened: (Explain the situation)
Evidence (Images, videos, demos etc):
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Troy Bolton 16 Feb, 2015 @ 1:44pm 
Admin abuse is to be reported privately to me, seneath or dooby or any other super admin, IT IS NOT TO BE DONE PUBLICLY AS THIS CAN BE BAD FOR THE REPORTING PERSON
Ruby 2 May, 2015 @ 12:03pm 
flacon shh
Troy Bolton 2 May, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Jensen McNugglet:
flacon shh

This is such an old fucking post why are you replying to it
Ruby 2 May, 2015 @ 1:41pm 
electronegative 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:26am 
He was swinging a bowlingball that hit a crate and it whent right into my face and did 12 damage. I KOSed him and the took back the kos but he still killed me. I saw him do it and he still didnt admit it. He started saying that i am making everything up and then he muted me and later after that kicked me without saying anything.

Admin | Yeezus: not even rdm because i never fucking damaged you until you false kos'd me
Admin | Yeezus: so stfu
Admin | Yeezus: !gag electronegative
Yeezus gagged You
Respected | electronegative: now you gag me for your own stupidity?
Admin | Yeezus: !mute electronegative
*DEAD* (TEAM) Admin | Yeezus: !unmute *
*DEAD* (TEAM) Admin | Yeezus: !Ungag *
Admin | Yeezus: !gag electronegative
Admin | Yeezus: if you dont stop i will kick you.
Respected | electronegative: you are an asshole

I admit that i was mean but still an admin that dosnt admit what he did shouldnt be and admin.
Last edited by electronegative; 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:42am
Ruby 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:41am 
i dont really see why you didnt use the forums, but anyway

Here's my side, i'll try to be as detailed as possible:

It's community bowling or whatever the map is called, im running down the long hallway with a bowling ball in my hand, on my way to the tester room, with at least 6 other players behind me, i hear someone shoot behind me so i turn around and yes, i did push a prop but it slid across the floor, and didnt even reach any of you, so i continue walking to the tester room and once im there i fuck around with the bowling ball for a good 10 seconds, when suddenly you kos me and open the door, so i shoot you, then you report me saying something along the lines of ''rdm with a prop, did 20 something dmg to me'' or some shit, i respond with ''during the entire round you lost literally no hp, and if you kos me, of course im going to shoot you back'', and seeing as you were constantly killing people for the most bullshit reasons (like someone shooting the floor under them while trapped in the cage on crummy), i added this to the end ''stop trying to find bullshit reasons to report people'', and i submit it. a few seconds go by and you decide not to forgive and start crying out ''prop damage doesnt show up logs!'', to which someone else (cant remember who) said in chat ''yes it does'', so you go quiet for a while, im thinking you're finally done being a complete retard, when suddenly you start crying and saying that it was 10hp, even tho earlier you were saying it was over 20, so at this point i check the deathscene, which shows you were on bright green (which means full hp) so basically im done with the report. i tell you to stop crying, but you kept going, so i gagged you, then you kept going in chat so i muted you, after a round i unmute and ungag you, but then you start again in voice chat so i gag you once again, and after that you literally said '' you're an asshole '', so i kick you.

+ as i said earlier, the entire time that i was on, you and Your Penis kept looking for reasons to kill/report people.
electronegative 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:46am 
Little amounts of prop damage donnt show up in the damage logs and i always sayed that you damaged me for 12 hp. When you where runing down the hallway you hit like 3 boxes and 1 flew right into my face.
Ruby 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:51am 
i went over your claim. before people told you that small amounts dont show up, you were claiming it was 20 something dmg, then suddenly it changed to 12, to which i checked the death scene in which you were on bright green, indicating you hadnt lost any health, so it was pretty easy to tell you were bullshiting (specially since you were claiming it was 20 something at first, then suddenly it magically dropped to 12)
electronegative 9 Apr, 2016 @ 10:53am 
I was always saying 12 dmg! Dont lie...
Ruby 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:02am 
what reason would i have to lie? there hasn't been a single time (at least that i can remember of) when i've NOT admitted to what i did. if i rdm someone and they report me, i straight up say '' yes, i rdm'd you, i'll take a slay '' and maybe add a little joke in the end. I've worked my way up to Admin so why would i risk it over someone like you? if i knew i did wrong, i would've happily slayed myself. But seeing as in logs and death scene you had lost literally no health, i just set the report to finished and didnt say a word until you started crying about it, and lying straight to my face.

i'll tell you something, im not stupid, i notice when people lie, and the fact that as soon as you found out small amount dont show up, you changed it from 20 something to 12, proves to me that you're lying, and trying to get me in shit for absolutely no reason, seeing as before this i had never said anything offensive to you, neither did i have anything against you. But with this, you've made yourself look like a complete dickhead in my eyes. i'll be ending this here as i have literally nothing else to say to you, if someone else has questions about this, they can ask me in a pm, and if you want to argue and continue lying, you can do it on your own. i've said everything i have to say,
electronegative 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:17am 
I am not lying. I always sayed that it was 12 hp and you where the on saying that all the hp loss show up in the logs. And i did ask you if you where the one holding a ball and i didnt see a response. I may have missed it BUT i did take back the kos. I have no more proof and for me you are a lying admin that dosnt admit his faults and dosnt know that damage logs dont show small amounts of damage.
Last edited by electronegative; 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:18am
TheUmpire 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:26am 
If I can comment on this. 1. Electro, propdamage, even if it's only 5 hp, shows up in the damage logs. 2. Can you both keep the shouting words for yourself and not say that to eachother, definately not out loud. The last thing I have to say is that I agree on how Derp reacted to this. Yes, you can complain about a staff's decision, but, according to rule number 10 (''Disrespectful and/or continued arguing with the admin in question will not be tolerated. When an admin tells you it is over, it’s over. If you feel the issue is still not resolved, file a report on the forums under staff abuse''), you have to stop arguing if a staff members says it's over. If you still have problems with this Electro, then I would suggest to make a post on the forums under 'Report staff'.
electronegative 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:36am 
Just so you know Ump, i asked Mars about the prop dmage in logs and he sayed that 12 dmg wouldnt show up. For now i wont make a post but if he still does something that is abusive i will do it.
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