How To Make Profit On TF2 TF2Profit
How To Make Profit On TF2 TF2Profit
24 de marzo de 2013
55 comentarios
Seezw 3 MAY 2018 a las 5:13 
Hello. I would like to ask. Why are everyone buying strange weapons? Thanks for answer.
Wheastonian 7 FEB 2018 a las 23:19 
I am available to help new traders! Please add me and say that you are new so I can teach you about this! :luf:
addi-4th 22 NOV 2017 a las 15:43 
Looking for a trade mentor, I am new to this, and can't seem to wrap my head around it or do anything right.
DogeOrang 11 AGO 2017 a las 3:59 
Could someone give me a rough estimate of how much a Bruiser's Bandana, painted An extraordinary abundence of tinge is worth?
Huge Jackedman 5 DIC 2015 a las 4:15 
Is this group active?
Ghost 10 SEP 2015 a las 5:06 
Well, found this group yesterday, but all tips seem to be very old, anyone have some good tips now?
Oskha 18 AGO 2015 a las 5:35 
Hi, I know this has nothing to do with profit but I have some steam cards, what should I invest on? Keys or hats?
Ocean 18 JUN 2015 a las 8:52 
Hey! Check Out This Video To Make Profit :p
Spectral_Force 27 DIC 2014 a las 20:48 
Hi guys, so just a quick tip I found out for myself: When an update that adds new weapons comes out, go on to TF2 as fast as you possibly can. Look for their craft recipies. Get all the stuff you need to craft at least a bunch of those. Then sell them for a high price (I mean really high). For example, with Smissmas 2014 I was crafting new weapons and it cost me about 0.77 ref (2 rec and a weapon). I was lucky to have some of the craft weapons in my inventory already as I couldn't find any of those being sold by users and bots. What did I do after crafting those? I sold them. For 1.66 ref each. Which is DOUBLE the metal used to craft those. Yeah, so that day I earned about 7 ref pure.

P.S. Sell them as fast as you can, their value can (and will) drop literally every hour.
Chad Warden 17 DIC 2014 a las 20:31 
hey just read your article pretty cool very nice
Meow 20 NOV 2014 a las 19:14 
Hi... having fun with my son trading up and trying to make money and build up the backpacks. Thanks for the help
Wrapple 2 NOV 2014 a las 1:21 
So im starting off with trading and i got one ref is it good to trade that ref for the tyrants helm hat and sell it for more or should i wait til i get more ref?
Snackus Shackus 18 SEP 2014 a las 16:25 
HELP. I have no clue how to either profit or trade for a profit without getting played like a NES. Please help
Kethus 17 SEP 2014 a las 23:53 
Hello, I started looking up methods for making profit since I have lost resources before and I recently got 4ref from card trading and don't want to waste them. Since I'm trying to play safe for now I'm trying the basic tactics and there is already a problem. The players on the regular servers are there to play so every second I spend trading is time spent on not helping my team, leading to frustration. On trading servers on the other hand everyone is a trader and everyone looks to sell weapons for 1 scrap, buy them for 0.5 scrap, sell hats for 1.33ref and buy them for 1ref, so I can't do anything there. For me the question is "Where?".
bumpyeyez 6 SEP 2014 a las 22:20 
Hello! I just joined this group and i think this is some really cool thing that ya guys got here.
My strategy for profit? Hmm, well i like to invest heavily in items that have gone up a lot and then sell them as soon as the first price drop comes. Another thing to do is try to get quickbuys and sell them for a little bit under (so that they sell quicker)
Phantxm 3 SEP 2014 a las 6:29 
Lets see all i do to try to make a profit is buying 50 dollar steam cards in a store and buying hats from the shop. But i dont like to waste money so i will try to do what the guy in the article says
[501st]lord.vader.himself 1 SEP 2014 a las 18:48 
Hi I am a new comer to this group and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to start making a profit :)
Fista! 29 ABR 2014 a las 14:24 
Hi Widmox! Yes, there's plenty of people taht can help you out. However, this group is close to dead. If you still need help, the only place people still check on is the facebook group. Most activity occurs there instead of here for some reason.
Widmox ඞ 20 ABR 2014 a las 11:40 
Hi, I just joined this group. I have a little problem. I would like to start trading in tf2 to get myself somewhere far ( maybe getting unusual or few). But right now I only have a couple of refined. Is there anyone experienced that can help me a little ? :)
Kieran. 27 MAR 2014 a las 9:30 
ultraman you can remove the part but you wont get it back.
TotallyManicGamer 4 ENE 2014 a las 16:12 
Need a lot of help. I'm trying to get a strange festive eyelander fory collection
Jim the Fish 13 NOV 2013 a las 9:22 
Hey there I've just joined and really have very little idea on how to trade well so any advice or help would be appreciated.
I really would like to make enough profit to buy some more games but would also love to get my hands on a strange direct hit for my soldier
Thanks in advance for any help
peep 21 OCT 2013 a las 13:04 
Anyone here have advice for me? I have a few keys and a few metal. Gotta know what to invest in. Thx
PM4ERP 16 OCT 2013 a las 4:54 
anyone here have any advice on how to sell a strange wep with a useless strange part?
bosku 15 AGO 2013 a las 21:28 
I need help selling the essential accessories
Fista! 3 JUN 2013 a las 18:03 
Fista! 3 JUN 2013 a las 18:02 
This group needs a more consider name, or at least something that doesn't sound like it came straight from a Squiddoo article.
Thiq Stinkman 27 MAY 2013 a las 12:14 
ALSO one mann's trash is another mann's treasure. Useless hats that you don't wear can sell well for someone that really wants it. Hell, I sold an alien swarm parasite for a refined when the guy new it was worth a reclaimed
Thiq Stinkman 27 MAY 2013 a las 12:09 
@That Viking well, if you're patient enough you actually CAN sell any weapon for a scrap, it is easier if you sell popular items, I've noticed the sticky and rocket jumpers sell commonly, also the new items such as: rescue ranger, vaccinator, loose cannon, and the hamshank. But once again you can sell ANY weapon for a scrap if your patient enough.
I am alive!! 14 MAY 2013 a las 5:32 
It's hard to make any profit at all, now with people never trying to buy anything for higher than price, the fact that nobody buys weapons for 1 scrap because of and because of scammer/sharks, is there any way to make profit anymore? I'm trying the buy low, sell high, but nobody buys high because everyone else does the same method.
76561198025832093 19 ABR 2013 a las 18:13 
Question session lasted even longer than #1 and had over Double the participates! very successful, good work guys :).

Archie won the game.
Shwheelz 17 ABR 2013 a las 13:11 
Guess I will have to start hanging out in chat more often then :)
Arandomu 17 ABR 2013 a las 1:24 
Sad bit is, we can't after getting 100+ members
Shwheelz 16 ABR 2013 a las 10:14 
Keep in mind you can contact me or anyone else in the group anytime via the Group tab on your Friends sidebar. No need to add me, even if you're interested in buying my shiny new Stormy 13th Hour Private Eye (serious offers welcome.)
Skanoi 10 ABR 2013 a las 2:44 
selling a steaming ol geezer for offers
add me
你小保底歪了变彦卿 9 ABR 2013 a las 2:57 
Arandomu 6 ABR 2013 a las 18:50 
I'll allow it, it's not a group, it's more of an automated shop.
76561198025832093 6 ABR 2013 a las 13:04 
Please don't advertise your groups in here. That isn't what this group is for!


Shwheelz 31 MAR 2013 a las 8:06 
Better late then never,here is the link to the first raffle!
chimay 30 MAR 2013 a las 6:42 
♥♥♥♥ yeah! legit profit
Shwheelz 29 MAR 2013 a las 16:11 
Just sold an unusual for a whole craft hat profit. Awwwww yea ;D
Pooky 29 MAR 2013 a las 9:59 
Selling a Strange rocket launcher with the following strange parts; Capturers killed, Robots destroyed and kills while explosive jumping, Add me if you're interested?
Hexcalibur 29 MAR 2013 a las 6:19 
Skanoi 27 MAR 2013 a las 22:06 
buying unusuals for 2 painted bills
Shwheelz 27 MAR 2013 a las 19:30 
Perhaps if we hit the 125 mark sometime soon I will give another promotion. Make sure to invite your friends!
76561198025832093 27 MAR 2013 a las 15:58 
Sounds good. Mods seem like a good idea. Though not too many, obviously... It defeats the purpose, hahah.
Shwheelz 27 MAR 2013 a las 15:51 
As the group grows, I'll be looking for more moderators. Keep that in mind with the quality of your posts, language, maturity, etc. First mod is Aranmondu, as he helps me with the Facebook group and prompted me to create this Steam group.
76561198025832093 26 MAR 2013 a las 13:36 
I'm going to give away a few games for free if we get to 125 members by the end of the month that's 5 days!
76561198044034041 26 MAR 2013 a las 1:44 
♥♥♥♥ YEAH
stripey 26 MAR 2013 a las 0:32