Talisman: Digital Edition Cup 2 TDEC-2
Talisman: Digital Edition Cup 2 TDEC-2
9 Ağustos 2014
111 sonuçtan 111 ile 111 arası gösteriliyor
Cup Rules
General rules

1. General
  1. First and foremost, we are using the CET (Central European Time) and CEST (Central European Summer Time) as references in terms of indicators for time in the winter and summer seasons respectively.

  2. There are no selection and approval criteria in terms of priority to play in the cup. Everyone who is willing to play can confirm his application in the relevant topic on the forum.

  3. Players who violate the following rules will be given a card. In serious cases of breaching the rules, the player will be excluded from future cups. A player can be given 3 types of card:

    • Yellow card: This card is given out for relatively small rules violations. In certain cases where a yellow card has been handed out, the win will be handed to the opposing player. A second yellow card will be turned into a red card.
    • Red card: The match in which they received this card will be changed into a forfeit loss. In some cases this card is handed out together with one or more player bans.
    • Beyond red card: A player or that already has a red card but has violated again will be kicked from the cup.

  4. Only 1 card can be given for each match. In the case of several violations, only the most severe card will be handed out. However, all extra punishments for each of the rules that were violated will still applied.

  5. Abusive behaviour towards a Cup supervisor or opponent at any time during the cup season, can be punished by a supervisor. Sanction: Yellow Card.

    • If the abuse is severe, a supervisor can also punish with a temporary or permanent removal from the cup of the offending players.

2. Tournament Layout
  1. You will play against each opponent in your group, playing one game per week. At the end of this group stage, the two highest ranked players will proceed to the knockout stages and play a knockout match until the final game.

  2. 48 players split into 8 groups of 6 players.

3. Supervisors
  1. The cup is supervised by Cup Supervisors who are responsible for enforcing the rules, scheduling matches that aren't scheduled on time by the players, and recruiting. For any problems, contact the Cup Supervisors via Steam chat or through the e-mail address.

4. Players
  1. Players who quit the cup or who are removed from the cup for 2 no-shows/forfeits may be excluded from future cups.

  2. Players must use their nicknames registered on the tournament list.

  3. It is strictly forbidden for a player to play under 2 or more nicknames at once in the same Cup. If it turns out that a player has been playing with 2 nickanames at the same time, the player in question will be kicked from the Cup.

  4. Cup Supervisors can add new players to the Cup only in place of other players who can’t continue their participation in the prelim or group stage of the tournament. If a player drops out of the knockout stage, his opponent will receive a bye into the next round of the tournament.

  5. Any attempt by a player to deceive the Supervisors by letting a player fakenick, or providing deliberately false information (including faking match scores) will result in the player being removed from the cup. If this attempted deceit occurred in the last week of group matches or later then the player(s) will also be banned from the next cup.

5. Screenshots
  1. Each player must take a screenshot in the following phases in every game:

    • At the beginning - right after choosing characters, before the first turn.
    • At the beginning - right after choosing characters, showing houserules, with console window on (2 screenshots are required to show all houserules).
    • Standing on the Valley of Fire, before moving to the Crown of Command.

  2. Every player has to be prepared to share his screenshots on the Steam forum in the proper topic, so it will be an indicator of marking a match as a valid one. Additionally players have to keep these screenshots until the end of the cup.

  3. Screenshots can be proof in any case of a conflict with another player(s). Players must also explain their reasons for doing so and post an official conflict on the cup forum within 24 hours of the stated game time.

  4. If a player fails to provide the screenshots, or if some of the screenshots are broken or missing, a forfeit loss will be awarded against the player who failed to provide the requested screenshots. If both players fail to provide the screenshots, the match will be cancelled and a double forfeit will be submitted as both players have violated cup rules. Players repeatedly failing to provide screenshots will be removed and suspended from future cups.

6. Group Rankings
  1. In each group, the players are ranked according to points as follows:

    • 2 points for the winner of each match.
    • 1 point for the loser of each match with [+] small points.
    • 0 points for the loser of each match with [0] or [-] small points.

  2. If two or more players are equal on points on completion of the group matches, the following criteria is applied to determine the rankings:

    • highest number of wins obtained in the group matches.
    • superior small points from the group matches.
    • the winner of the group matches between the players concerned.
    • superior small points from the group matches between the players concerned.
    • random drawing of lots.

  3. Each players small points are worked out as follows:

    • winners total Strength & Craft subtract losers total Strength & Craft - the result is scored as [+] small points by the winner and as [-] small points by the loser. In the case of a tie, each player scores [0] small points for that match.

  4. A no-show is regarded as a forfeit loss.

  5. A player that forfeits a group match for the second time will be removed from the Cup.

  6. If a player leaves the cup with only one game to go, then the last game will be considered as a forfeit loss and all the player's matches will count for the ranking. This rule does not apply however to players that have already forfeited a match or that had won or lost all of their previous matches.

  7. If a player leaves the cup after having qualified for the playoffs, he will be replaced by the player ranked directly below him in the group.

7. Wildcards
  1. Each player is given 1 wildcard, which can be used to cancel and/or reschedule a planned group match. Players are strongly advised to cherish their wildcard until they really need it because of bad luck (e.g. connection problems). Using the wildcard lightly and then losing a later match because of real problems would be a painful way to be eliminated from the cup.

  2. The wildcard can be used up until the match starts. If a player attempts to use a Wildcard after the match has already started, it will be a forfeit loss for his opponent.

  3. A wildcard used against a player that later quits the cup is not restored.

  4. Players that try to use their wildcard a second time lose by forfeit. It is not the cup admins responsibility to check whether a player already used his wildcard.

  5. When a wildcard is used, the players have to reschedule the match immediately to one of the days in the same or the following matchweek of the original match date. A supervisor must be informed. If no agreement is communicated to the supervisor within 48 hours of the original match time, he may force the match to be played as he sees fit.

8. Cheating and Abuse
  1. We are taking this game as it is, which means that exploiting bugs is allowed, and not considered cheating.

  2. Programs that do not interact with the game in any way are allowed, even if they can be used and operated simultaneously with the game. Voice communication programs are examples of such programs.

  3. For situations not covered by the rules, the supervisors will make decisions applicable to the situation.

  4. Any and all attempts to mislead supervisors will be met with an “appropriate” penalty. Needless to say, supervisors are way smarter than they seem.

9. Changes and Exceptions
  1. These rules are subject to change at any time. Changes made after the start of a Cup will always be reported on the Cup page. All players are expected to know all the rules; not knowing them is no valid excuse for not following them. Ignorance is ––not–– bliss. Knowledge is power.

Match Rules

10. Server Settings
  1. Checking the server settings is both players responsibility. If a certain setting is wrong, they should alert the supervisor immediately and prove this with a screenshot. Matches can be replayed or restarted because of wrong settings only once. If the host messes up the settings again, the game is considered a forfeit loss for the opponent.

  2. The game host in the group stage is the highest ranked player of each group. The game host in the knockout stage is the player (TBC)

  3. Players are not permitted to change any server settings without the explicit permission of a supervisor.

  4. All matches must be played using the following server settings:

    • 2 Players
    • Timeout: 30 Seconds
    • The Reaper Expansion: On*
    • The Frostmarch Expansion: On*
    • Random Characters: On
    • Runestones: Off
    • Race to the Crown: On
    • No Grim Reaper: Off (this means he is in the game!)
    • Talisman Bloodbath: Off
    • Character Selection: On

    *Matches without any Expansions are permissible, but only if neither player owns any of them.

11. General Rules
  1. Group and cup phase matches are predefined by the roster.

  2. All matches are 1 on 1 affairs. There can’t be any other characters on the board, including ones controlled by the A.I. The only additional character allowed to be on the board is the Grim Reaper!

  3. The number of matches played is as follows:

    • Group stage is played best of one (BO1).
    • Round of 16 and Quarter-Finals are played best of three (BO3) - a player must win 2 times to progress.
    • Semi-Finals and Third place Play-Off/Final are played best of five (BO5) - a player must win 3 times to progress.

12. Miscellany
  1. If the server crashes during a match, the match will be restarted (Game Resume if possible).

  2. If one of the players loses his connection to the server and is unable to rejoin the game shortly, only the round in question will be restarted (not the entire set in case of BO3 or BO5).

  3. The game can be considered as a forfeit loss if the player loses connection to the server 3 times during one round or quits the game. In this case the opponent has to provide screenshots with the above-mentioned statement on the screen on the “Disputes” subforum.

  4. In the case of BO3 or BO5 games, players are allowed to take a break between the games. It’s in the hands of the players for how long they want to take a break; hovewer, they both have to agree on new term to finish the match. If they won’t reach the agreement, the match has to be finished at the previously scheduled date. The match has to be finished within the time of the round.

  5. Two breaks are allowed per game, but no more than 10 minutes each.

  6. Players always have to be easily identifiable to supervisors and opponents. Therefore, players must use exactly the same nickname that they applied with.

13. Before the Match
  1. 15 minutes before starting a match, both players have to notify the supervisors in the match topic on the tournament forum that they are ready.

  2. If either player claims a noshow win, the supervisor will check whether the second player is online or not on Steam . If the player is not online, then the opponent has two options:

    • take a victory by forfeit the game by the opponent.
    • reschedule the match. The new date has to be approved by the supervisor.

  3. If no supervisor is available for the match, the players are still expected to show up on time and follow the procedures above.

  4. Once a server has been decided upon, this decision stands for the entire match, unless both players agree on a server change after a game crash.

14. After the Match
  1. The results and screenshots must be submitted by the winning player on the correct Steam forum topic within 48 hours. If not, the game is considered a defloss.

  2. The defeated player must confirm the result on the forum. If he won’t do that, his next match will be considered as defloss.
111 sonuçtan 111 ile 111 arası gösteriliyor