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itsatacoshop247's Server Group tacoserver
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Map request thread
Want to see a map added into rotation? Ask for it here!

I can add custom spawn nodes and loot spawn locations into maps, so don't worry about that.

I am not a map maker and cannot make new ones!

Preferably maps should be available on the workshop, but maps not on the workshop can still be considered.
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So I found a few good maps that might work well, altough I recommend you view hem before hand. So 2 out of the 3 are minecraft maps, ttt_mc_skyislands is one of them and the other is Minecraft Realms. Now I know what you're saying," Wow Toasty these maps suck so much di- but I'm just recommending them. The last is a bit weird and it's a physics map. It's called phys_temple. Yeah, that's all I could find. Thanks.

Oh this last one looks great, hopefully more people will join this conversation.
ttt_mc_skyislands has been filled with prop-spawns and has good default spawns.

Minecraft Realms requires Tf2 and won't be used.

The nightmare church will be loaded using the spawns and props it comes with on the DL page (I helped make the code for him to add loot spawns :D )

phys_temple is pretty open and probably wouldn't be too good. It's also got alot of reports about crashing on load, so I'd like to have a few people try to sub to it and load it, and then also comment on how it looks for gameplay.

The two maps being added will be loaded next time I reboot the server, hopefully it'll be empty at some point tonight for that.
Yeah, well atleast we can add more diversity to the maps we get over and over again. Oh yeah, about that too. How come the same 13 or so maps are used everytime when theres a vote? Are they just the popular ones?
Those are the only maps that have been deemed 'good', and are setup with proper spawns and loot spawns. A large majority of the maps in the !menu map list are from TF2, CSS, or for Sandbox, so they don't work well (and some peole won't have them) for murder.


Those are the maps that should be coming up in the list at the current time (minus skyislands or nightmare church, the server hasn't been empty and I feel bad kicking people off to reboot...). It randomly chooses 5 of them, or 'Extend Current'.

It seemed to be working fine in my expereince, but it was an addon made in 2009 or so that I updated to work with the current gmod, so it's not exactly guarenteed to work :D
ttt_mc_skyisland and mu_nightmare are now live, seem to run ok.
Those look good, do you happen to know if they require CS:S or anything?
Not sure
Foxire の投稿を引用:



GREEN HILL ZONE V2 and APARTMENTS look good, but I cant see ALLEY and AoT TROST MAP looks a bit big for 8-player murder.
最近の変更はXerphyが行いました; 2014年7月23日 0時45分
Foxire 2014年7月25日 13時26分 
so looking into more maps Ithink I found 4 more to look into and yea AoT looks huge but I like alley somewhat. will post once im done testing all 4
I found a few more we can use by playing on a few other servers that seem to run them, will find em and post about it some other time
Doa 2014年10月13日 20時42分 
The Legend of Zelda NES -- Dungeon 1 Recreation. This is a fun zelda map. it might be fun for murder? it's a bit small, but sometimes thats good
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