Art of War 孙子兵法 =Total War=
Art of War 孙子兵法 =Total War=
24. Januar 2012
53 Kommentare
[IHC]™ WOLF 5. Juni 2023 um 11:29 
[VM]_MorS_{CN} 30. März 2019 um 9:29 
THREE KINGDOMS Steam Group - gathering!
For all fans of Total War series, who want to participate in multiplayer events, and who want to become a part of world community! :Dominated: :ambition:
Cao Cao 24. Aug. 2016 um 7:05 
To {BHC}ELITEofKingWarman88
link :
This Account has been suspended ?
ShogunGrumpyBear 21. Juli 2016 um 14:29 
Hello all,

I am ELITEofKingWarman88. I like to invite all of you to our new forum. Me and some friends came together to start putting this new forum together.It is still a work in progress but it is a new forum for Total War Mutliplayer and anything related to Total War. I ask that all of you please sign up and enjoy the forum. All forums must start some place and in a few weeks We will start hosting tournaments, regular tournaments and flash tournaments here on this forum. So please sign up and help out!
||-TsR-|| Brave New World 8. Sep. 2015 um 17:23 
join when u like total war or just for fun XD
Commissar Hark 7. Dez. 2014 um 13:43 
I dont even play alot of stratagy i just believe that these are the ideals that should be taken from both sides in and out of battle
al Qamar 30. Nov. 2014 um 17:58 
al Qamar 17. Aug. 2014 um 17:56 
The 2nd world-wide community survey for ALL TotalWar games and ALL TW gamers is now online!

main topics:
- small hardware survey
- general questions about TW
- TW multiplayer community questions (optional)
- TW modding community questions (optional)
- TW Rome 2 (optional)
- TW community / ideas
- TW future / your wishes[/url] [b]Again this survey is targeted to all TW fans not only limited to Rome / Rome 2. Help us to spread this to your friends on Steam, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc[/b] For twitter please create / use the hashtag #TotalWar or #TotalWarSurvey TotalWar survey teaser: [url] [/url] This is a project created and maintained by the TW community. The survey and promo video are not endorsed by CA / SEGA in any way. For more information on TotalWar please visit:

Again this survey is targeted to all TW fans
not only limited to Rome / Rome 2.

Help us to spread this to your friends on Steam, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc

For twitter please create / use the hashtag #TotalWar or #TotalWarSurvey

TotalWar survey teaser:

This is a project created and maintained by the TW community.
The survey and promo video are not endorsed by CA / SEGA in any way.
For more information on TotalWar please visit:
Cao Cao 18. Juni 2014 um 12:22 
to Irish : check out all world campaign players list , there you can find opponent to play co-op or H2h :
Sayoricidal 15. Juni 2014 um 12:18 
Anyone wanna play some Shogun 2 CO-OOP? Send me a friend request!
Lutz Grössermann das kanibal 9. Juni 2014 um 9:24 
Cao Cao 12. Mai 2014 um 13:57 
Ты можешь принять участие в текущем турнире VVV , как член команды которая уже играет , если игроки приласят тебя , например абдулгани .

You have may take part in the VVV tourney like member of team which already exist on the tourney if someone invite you join it .For example Abdulgani .
Qabyl 12. Mai 2014 um 7:07 
В том, где участвует Абдулгани.
Cao Cao 6. Mai 2014 um 5:49 
K какому турниру рима 2 вы хотели бы присоединиться ?

Which type of Rome II tourney wourld you like to take part ?
Qabyl 4. Mai 2014 um 10:55 
как присоединиться к турниру в Rome 2?
Death 13. Apr. 2014 um 2:55 
Cao Cao 22. Jan. 2014 um 11:31 
to al Qamar :All possible if make game with mind as was did by Shong2 , until now Shogun2 still The best total war game , not Rome 2 .
al Qamar 16. Jan. 2014 um 7:52 
to al Qamar : nice statistic , but better to creat smart strategy games , than just try undestand what's happend with game by statistic . Nobody read it , but everybody easy can see not finished game .
^^ I retired on .com after 3 years additionally got banned. It is quite an impossible task to make TW games better, except you are decompiling it and write the stuff your own and have great modding abilities in addition Cao Cao :)
al Qamar 16. Jan. 2014 um 7:50 
The survey is over. We had more than 4000 participants. Thank you for your participation
You will find the results here!-Survey-closing-soon!&p=13565416&viewfull=1#post13565416
John2Lionheart 13. Jan. 2014 um 3:20 
A steam multiplayer community that has one goal that is to revolutionize multiplayer gaming.

At the moment we are only Paradox Interactive games multiplayer group

Try us!See for yourself if this is what you have been looking for.

All creeds are welcome all time zones are welcome.

Any group that wants to merge with our group pm me please.

*Co owners aka Owners of this group are admin status.
*Moderators are exatlly what the title says
Cao Cao 7. Jan. 2014 um 17:14 
to al Qamar : nice statistic , but better to creat smart strategy games , than just try undestand what's happend with game by statistic . Nobody read it , but everybody easy can see not finished game .
al Qamar 4. Jan. 2014 um 8:14 
Hi guys here are the final results of the Rome 2 survey based on 3700 participants:
fixed link, permanent link now.

I agree about that Cao Cao, but from all I've collected the multiplayer seem to be abandoned.
Cao Cao 20. Dez. 2013 um 19:33 
to al Qamar : if you want to know real statistic and opinion about this game just collect "+" and "-" posts of guys and check out steam server of rome 2 to know how many people play Rome 2 for now . like example my statistic : after 3 month of release date Shogun 2 played 50 % of all my friends , after 3 month of release date Rome 2 , this game playing 3-4 my friends its 1-2 % of all my frinds .

For strategy game needs like air new ideas , nobody care about graphic too much

New ideas :
1. Create a new big MP world for new game which come after Rome 2 .
2. Make possible play a lot players together not just in MP , in MP campaign too .
3. Replace turn system to real time , like using Paradox Interactive now . Time must be same for everybody .
4 . Before new game realise must be open beta test for all game consist : MP battles , MP campaign . its need to geet perfect balance .without balance each game lost interest to play it.
al Qamar 20. Dez. 2013 um 8:22 
Rommel 30. Aug. 2013 um 3:20 
i have coupons for these games: 66 percent off (A New Beginning Final Cut) valid until 4 September 11:31 GMT+0800, 90 percent off (Krater) valid until 10 September 13:35 GMT+0800, and 50 percent off Revenge of the Titans valid until 10 September GMT+0800. If you want, write me. I want nothing, I just want to offload these vouchers. :D:
Marshal.Joe 21. Juni 2013 um 21:57 
兵者诡道,则成尸. 将者无方,则成魔. 一尸一魔-----------nan to?
spurs123 5. Apr. 2013 um 7:21 
i am make post in forlum you can to watch
Cao Cao 27. März 2013 um 1:43 
Wow , Bug Gold Edition ^^
arthashat 26. März 2013 um 11:40 
any mature gamers from europe wanna start a co-op campaign in fots?
I Am You 19. Feb. 2013 um 21:51 
hello im new to this
曹丞相 16. Feb. 2013 um 4:42 
Cao Cao 7. Feb. 2013 um 8:41 

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.
DrDino123 4. Feb. 2013 um 19:49 
"Know yourself and you will win all battles."~Sun Tzu
Cao Cao 29. Jan. 2013 um 14:08 
To croc912 : Sun Zsu wrote specially for you one book : , enjoy ^^
croc912 28. Jan. 2013 um 15:08 
i want art of war could let me borrow please some one who has it please im begging yahh
={TkD}=KingofFranceandNavarre 18. Jan. 2013 um 22:08 
Yeah, the art of war!! lol
Cao Cao 14. Jan. 2013 um 9:40 
wellcome to group :)
Yoritomo 11. Jan. 2013 um 16:24 
Thank you for the invitation. :)
SENSHI 9. Jan. 2013 um 7:33 
i love this group guys :D
drwz 6. Jan. 2013 um 9:56 
We invite everyone to take part in the tournament.
Tournament here
Rules here
Participants here
Good Luck and Have Fun! :)
曹丞相 4. Dez. 2012 um 6:39 
Hello !!! Invite everyone join to tournament " The Last Samurai " . 1-3 place gets Tota War Rome 2 .
Registartion :
Cao Cao 23. Okt. 2012 um 12:12 
Salve, benvenuto al gruppo " Art of War " :)
>>>>OUTCAST<<<< 23. Okt. 2012 um 4:52 
Tx very much 4 friend invite :) Greetings from Italian Wild Tigers (Rome) :))
David Djinn 8. Okt. 2012 um 4:41 
Does anybody want to play co-op campaign? If you do, add me.
Cao Cao 4. Juli 2012 um 19:11 
Who wanna join to "Art of War " Shogun2 h2h campaign union of elite players , must win h2h match against member of group
Mono06 29. Apr. 2012 um 1:21 
i do it cao cao
[RBTW][PRAP] Ahilles 19. März 2012 um 4:18 
Кто мешает тренироваться тебе ?! Учись и играй !
Slaanesh and 40sm 14. März 2012 um 20:56 
жаль смалов троль нету