StartupTim Gaming StartupTim
StartupTim Gaming StartupTim
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4 aout 2015
Dimmdrive has been SOLD!
Hey all!

I just wanted to post a quick note: I'm extremely happy to announce that Dimmdrive has been sold! Please see here:

Hey all!

I'm extremely proud to have served you guys with Dimmdrive and I'm very excited at the future Dimmdrive has with the new owners. They have some great ideas for updates and are also very open to the community posting feedback and ideas for updates to the software as well.

As many of you guys know, I'm extremely vested in the gaming community, simply because I'm a gaming addict as much as everybody else :) I will continue to be involved in various start-ups in the PC Gaming world, and will likely see many of you guys in the future on the many endeavors that I work on. With that said, my door is always open to chatting (see signature below) to all of you fellow gamers!

Happy gaming!


Twitter: @StartupTim
Steam Group:
Email Form:

What does this mean for us? It means I have more time to focus on our other projects, such as CPUCores, ABetter10, and some other upcoming releases that I am extremely excited about!

Cheers :)
< >
Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 18
Congratulations, don't have it but heard it is pretty good
Grats, Tim! :steamhappy:
Lucas a écrit :
Congratulations, don't have it but heard it is pretty good

Thanks Lucas! Yup it is a great piece of software, and the new owners are pulling together a bunch of ideas and suggestions and will soon be working on an update.

I'm pretty excited for them!
timdub a écrit :
Grats, Tim! :steamhappy:

Thanks fellow Tim :)
i mean im sure this happens all the time but this is one of the oddest things ive read in a while. in short "new people own the software that i may or may not have currently installed and they plan to bring it updates that may or may not be good" there was one thing i did know was that Tim seemed like an honest enough guy just ramdomly handing over hardware controling software to a guy called "Administrator,Administrator,Administrators" (source is the dimmdrive forum on that one) just doesnt... might just uninstall and watch these "new fetures" but on a bighter note NICE JOB TIM! good luck on your next project!
Thanks for the kind words Artyom Havok!

I see what you're saying and I'll forward them the feedback to maybe post on a normal account versus the Administrator one. They are getting settled in on the new systems in place so you might have to give them time :)

PS: I know they are VERY receptive to feedback, so if you guys have any feedback you'd like to give them, in ANY fashion, let them know about it here:

Edit: Done! I just forwarded them your comments about posting on a normal account versus the "Administrator" one as it feels more user friendly.
Dernière modification de 🆂tartup🆃im; 20 mars 2016 à 17h21
awesome thanks. there was a certain charm that came from watching your might and magic streams that added alot to the dev/user trust levels
Artyom Havok a écrit :
awesome thanks. there was a certain charm that came from watching your might and magic streams that added alot to the dev/user trust levels

Oh you have no idea how much I miss doing those live streams! I streamed from 2009 up until a couple years ago and definitely miss doing it. Plus, I never did finish Might and Magic!

I get my fix by watching some Let's Plays at night (Currently watching Kikoskia's Let's Play Neverwinter Nights) but definitely want to stream more in the future.

Come 4-5 months I am hoping to be able to have some things lined up where I can start streaming again, day after day! So stay tuned, I'm not going anywhere :)

Also, thanks again for the kind words. I really do appreciate it :)
Dernière modification de 🆂tartup🆃im; 20 mars 2016 à 17h45
np. cool ill keep my eyes open.
Congratulations, Tim!
Gratz Tim! I look foward to your changes with the new owners and I do still hope your input keeps going into these prodcuts and that u wont leave us. we love you!!!!:D::pandastunned:
Thanks Danish Skald and Sergey Bessarb! Also thanks DarkAngel (and sup!).

and that u wont leave us

That's the fun thing about the gaming community - I am going to be here forever! I absolutely love gaming and even more so I love making other people have more fun gaming.

I think the most valuable thing that can be had is not an older (but great) piece of software, or a new piece of software, but the community of people who participate in all the things I create. For example, there are a lot of users of CPUCores who were users of my Pwnboxer software which I created in 2009. I stay involved in the scene and I'm also thinking of new ideas, and more importantly, users who also come up with ideas, and then suddenly new websites, software, etc get magically created!

Because of how strong the community is, people always seem to stick together, regardless of software, or what game is being played, or whatever. Cool people always find ways to stay involved :)

I'm going to be here forever making new things for you guys :)

Dernière modification de 🆂tartup🆃im; 21 mars 2016 à 14h23
StartupTim a écrit :

I'm going to be here forever making new things for you guys :)

That is exact thing i wanted to hear ;)
< >
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