Sparkly Rainbow UnicornZ SRUGaming
Sparkly Rainbow UnicornZ SRUGaming
Fundado em
15 de julho de 2012
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SRU web site & my muted new account
Hi guys, my problem is i already register at web site, confirmed it, and im able to log in, but im not able to post or do nothing more than read, i was about to write my introduction but was impossible, maybe my account need to be "confirmed" by a web site admin (dunno how it works, new on steam & groups) or maybe im wrong in some register process step? So since im not able to post there i decided to post problem here. Need some help about. Thanks.
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Exibindo comentários 18 de 8
a.k.a DMDonahue 13/mai./2014 às 0:35 
Sorry for being late, but check your email for the verification code, if you didn't recieve an email, see if put in the right email adress when you signed up. Thanks!

Tuco_AKA_The_Rat 13/mai./2014 às 1:44 
NP, the problem is solved now, i already posted the introduction, thanks soo much.
Última edição por Tuco_AKA_The_Rat; 13/mai./2014 às 1:44
a.k.a DMDonahue 13/mai./2014 às 4:20 
Derian Goth 14/mai./2014 às 19:18 
To follow up, you posted an inro thread and I had to remove it, the mysql database borked right when you posted it. Sorry about that. If you want to you can re post it. If not, I again apoligise. These things happen from time to time.
Tuco_AKA_The_Rat 14/mai./2014 às 20:37 
Hahahaha, nah its ok, im sure all you are zombie fans too, soo nothing new here anyway, just another zombie killer saying hello. ;P
a.k.a DMDonahue 14/mai./2014 às 20:38 
baymer1 27/mai./2014 às 18:18 
I'm not quite sure where to post this but the site has been broken for me... If I log in with uh... Steam Yeah, if I log in with Steam it well.. you know.. works, but then I go to apply for Admin, and well, it stops working. When I click apply it brings me to the right page, but then... this is where it goes wrong, it then pulls back up the Log in with Steam page... and it prevents me from... applying. If you guys could get a team... or group... or athlete to take a look at it and seem uurm... if I am the problem or if the site is... I am usually the problem.
Última edição por baymer1; 27/mai./2014 às 18:19
a.k.a DMDonahue 27/mai./2014 às 18:26 
So the site recognizes you as a regular?
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