Spycrabber's Casino -=SC.C.=-
Spycrabber's Casino -=SC.C.=-
2015 年 7 月 3 日
关于 Spycrabber's Casino

Welcome to the Spycrabber's Casino!

The purpose of this group is to gather fellow spycrabbers looking to Spycrab items in Team Fortress 2. If you think you are interested in Spycrabbing items such as Refined Metal, this group is for, and everyone in it, to help find people to Spycrab against easier, without having to search server through server!

How To Spycrab
Spycrabbing is a game between two people of which each person bets a single item or more against each other. Each person must be a spy with a disquise kit. One player should always type out the agreement saying what items are being bet, that the crab is first to 3 crab taunts losses, and then say "I agree", meaning they agree to the bet. The opponent should than say "I agree" if they agree to the bet. The spycrab should than begin, by taunting with your disquise kit out. The first person to spycrab 3 times losses.

In General
*Type out the agreement, for screenshot purposes in case your opponent runs
*First to 3 Spycrab Taunts Losses
*No crouching, jumping, or switching weapons. If the game auto switches weapons after a taunt or there is accidental movement it most likely won't be held agaisnt you.

How To Avoid Spycrab Scammers/Runners
Spycrab runners are usually never tolerated. If an opponent runs, they will almost for sure get banned via SteamRep and marked as a scammer.

To avoid a runner, there is a few simple steps!

*Check the inventory of the opponent. If they have the items they say they would like to spycrab, than move on to the next step. If they do NOT have the items present in their inventory, than how will they pay up if they lose? You should avoid the spycrab if an event like this occurs and report it to server admins and others immediately!

*Check your opponents SteamRep! Search your opponents profile, SteamID32, or SteamID64, and see if they have any pending reports, any current bans, or a very young Steam profile! If any of these are present, it is best that you AVOID spycrabbing them!

Link To SteamRep[]

How To Report Spycrab Scammers/Runners
If you get scammed by a Spycrab Scammer/Runner, please follow the very well made guideline from PPM in the link below to assure that they get banned, so they can't be a villian to you or the rest of the TF2 community again!

Anyone wanna crab a Ref?
Anyone wanna crab some Ref tonight?
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2015 年 7 月 3 日