Source 2 Source 2
Source 2 Source 2
6 August, 2012
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:29am
Dota2 Updated dropped leaked files "hl3.txt" "rpg.txt" "lights.txt"
This isn't exactly Source2 news however I'm sure many of you would still be interested as the new Half-Life installment will be running on the new engine.

Originally posted by ValveTime:
SteamDB has brought to light some leaked Half-Life 3 content that was released through today’s Dota 2 update.

The leak doesn’t contain any game assets, but instead it has some text files that define some game assets - similar to what Valve’s FGD does.

Of note are three files that have new information, named hl3.txt, rpg.txt, and lights.txt.
Full Article[]
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:30am 
I'll just drop some interesting findings here...

1. Zip line2. Quest Citizen
3. Invincible Hunter4. Ceiling Turret5. Quests and dialogs6. Goal Marker Beam

The rpg.txt file[] is just worth looking at. Given that Half-Life 3 will implement quests and dialogs, some of these can be used in HL3.

1. Realistic Day/Night Cycle
Last edited by p0sixkillah; 10 Oct, 2015 @ 2:07am
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:42am 
1. Apparently, we'll happen to explore the open world levels (oh gaben please) with a zip line of some sort:[]
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.prop_zipline" string m_FriendlyName = "prop_zipline" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "prop_zipline" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.prop_zipline.model" string m_FriendlyName = "Model" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.prop_zipline.max_ride_speed" string m_FriendlyName = "Max Ride Speed" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" },

2. Quest (????) Citizen:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.npc_quest_citizen" string m_FriendlyName = "npc_quest_citizen" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Quest Citizen" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.vscripts" string m_FriendlyName = "Entity Scripts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.targetname" string m_FriendlyName = "Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.renderfx" string m_FriendlyName = "Render FX" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.rendermode" string m_FriendlyName = "Render Mode" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Used to set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity. See also \'FX Amount\' and \'FX Color\'." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.mincpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Minimum CPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.maxcpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Maximum CPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.mingpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Minimum GPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.maxgpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Maximum GPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.disableX360" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable X360" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.renderamt" string m_FriendlyName = "FX Amount (0 - 255)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The FX amount is used by the selected Render Mode." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.rendercolor" string m_FriendlyName = "FX Color (R G B)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.disablereceiveshadows" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable Receiving Shadows" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.lightgroup" string m_FriendlyName = "Light Group" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Will only be lit by lights affecting this group." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.fademindist" string m_FriendlyName = "Start Fade Dist" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Distance at which the overlay starts to fade (<0 = subtract from fademaxdist)." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.fademaxdist" string m_FriendlyName = "End Fade Dist" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Maximum distance at which the overlay is visible (0 = don\'t fade out)." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.fadescale" string m_FriendlyName = "Fade Scale" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under low end/medium end/XBox360, then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn\'t specified. This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades. Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances, and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.damagefilter" string m_FriendlyName = "Damage Filter" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name of the filter entity that controls which entities can damage us." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.ResponseContext" string m_FriendlyName = "Response Contexts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Response system context(s) for this entity. Format should be: /'key:value,key2:value2,etc/'. When this entity speaks, the list of keys & values will be passed to the response rules system." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.disableshadows" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable shadows" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "" string m_FriendlyName = "Target Path Corner" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If set, the name of a path corner entity that this NPC will walk to, after spawning." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.squadname" string m_FriendlyName = "Squad Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "NPCs that are in the same squad (i.e. have matching squad names) will share information about enemies, and will take turns attacking and covering each other." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.hintgroup" string m_FriendlyName = "Hint Group" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Hint groups are used by NPCs to restrict their hint-node searching to a subset of the map\'s hint nodes. Only hint nodes with matching hint group names will be considered by this NPC." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.hintlimiting" string m_FriendlyName = "Hint Limit Nav" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Limits NPC to using specified hint group for navigation requests, but does not limit local navigation." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.allowgenericnodes" string m_FriendlyName = "If a Hint Group is specified, whether to also allow the use of generic nodes." string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.spawnflags" string m_FriendlyName = "" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "spawnflags" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.sleepstate" string m_FriendlyName = "Sleep State" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Holds the NPC in stasis until specified condition. See also \'Wake Radius\' and \'Wake Squad\'." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.wakeradius" string m_FriendlyName = "Wake Radius" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Auto-wake if player within this distance" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.wakesquad" string m_FriendlyName = "Wake Squad" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Wake all of the NPCs squadmates if the NPC is woken" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.enemyfilter" string m_FriendlyName = "Enemy Filter" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Filter by which to filter potential enemies" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.ignoreunseenenemies" string m_FriendlyName = "Ignore unseen enemies" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Prefer visible enemies, regardless of distance or relationship priority" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.physdamagescale" string m_FriendlyName = "Physics Impact Damage Scale" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.NavRestrictionVolume" string m_FriendlyName = "Nav Restriction Volume" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Markup volume entity to restrict unit navigation" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.parentname" string m_FriendlyName = "Parent" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name of this entity\'s parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.parentAttachmentName" string m_FriendlyName = "Parent Model Bone/Attachment Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name of the bone or attachment to attach to on the entity\'s parent in the movement hierarchy. Use !bonemerge to use bone-merge style attachment." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.local.origin" string m_FriendlyName = "Model Attachment position offset" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Offset in the local space of the parent model\'s attachment/bone to use in hierarchy. Not used if you are not using parent attachment." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.local.angles" string m_FriendlyName = "Model Attachment angular offset" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Angular offset in the local space of the parent model\'s attachment/bone to use in hierarchy. Not used if you are not using parent attachment." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.useLocalOffset" string m_FriendlyName = "Use Model Attachment Offset" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Whether to respect the specified local offset when doing the initial hierarchical attachment to its parent." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.UseSentence" string m_FriendlyName = "Use Sentence" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.UnUseSentence" string m_FriendlyName = "Un-Use Sentence" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.DontUseSpeechSemaphore" string m_FriendlyName = "Don\'t Use Speech Semaphore" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Friendly NPCs are not allowed to speak if another friendly NPC is speaking. In some cases we don\'t want speaking NPCs to prevent other NPCs from speaking (for instance, if there is a friendly NPC speaking for a long time on a monitor). To make this NPC not prevent other NPCs from talking, make it not grab the semaphore when it speaks." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.AlwaysTransition" string m_FriendlyName = "Always transition" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If yes, this NPC will always teleport to a Player Squad Transition Point if they\'re not within the trigger_transition volume." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.DontPickupWeapons" string m_FriendlyName = "Prevent picking up weapons\?" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If yes, this NPC will NOT be allowed to pick up weapons they find on the ground." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.GameEndAlly" string m_FriendlyName = "Is this a vital ally\?" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If yes, this NPC will cause the game to end if killed." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.additionalequipment" string m_FriendlyName = "Weapons" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.ammosupply" string m_FriendlyName = "Ammo to Resupply (if spawnflag set)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.ammoamount" string m_FriendlyName = "Amount of ammo to give" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.citizentype" string m_FriendlyName = "Type" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.expressiontype" string m_FriendlyName = "Expression Type" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.model" string m_FriendlyName = "Model" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.ExpressionOverride" string m_FriendlyName = "Facial expression override" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.notifynavfailblocked" string m_FriendlyName = "Fire output when Nav is blocked\?" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.neverleaveplayersquad" string m_FriendlyName = "Permanent squad member\?" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "A permanent squad member cannot leave the player\'s squad unless killed or explicity removed by entity I/O. Only use this if you\'re sure you want to override the default AI." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.denycommandconcept" string m_FriendlyName = "Deny command speech concept" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If you want your citizens to squad with the player but not obey commands the player gives to move the squad, put a concept here and this citizen will speak the concept instead of obeying the order." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.is_quest_member" string m_FriendlyName = "Quest Member\? (Neutral to Combine and doesn\'t take damage)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.citizen_name" string m_FriendlyName = "Citizen Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.starting_dialog" string m_FriendlyName = "Initial dialog stage (info_quest_dialog)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.beckon_approach_enabled" string m_FriendlyName = "Beckon and approach the player" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.beckon_radius" string m_FriendlyName = "Beckon the player if they come within this radius" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.approach_radius" string m_FriendlyName = "Approach the player if they come within this radius" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_quest_citizen.combat_enabled" string m_FriendlyName = "Allow this citizen to participate in combat" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" },
Last edited by p0sixkillah; 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:52am
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:51am 
3. Of course, we'll have to fight all those damn hunters, including the invincible one[]:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.npc_hunter_invincible" string m_FriendlyName = "npc_hunter_invincible" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Invincible Hunter!" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.vscripts" string m_FriendlyName = "Entity Scripts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.targetname" string m_FriendlyName = "Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.renderfx" string m_FriendlyName = "Render FX" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.rendermode" string m_FriendlyName = "Render Mode" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Used to set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity. See also \'FX Amount\' and \'FX Color\'." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.mincpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Minimum CPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.maxcpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Maximum CPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.mingpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Minimum GPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.maxgpulevel" string m_FriendlyName = "Maximum GPU Level" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.disableX360" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable X360" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.renderamt" string m_FriendlyName = "FX Amount (0 - 255)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The FX amount is used by the selected Render Mode." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.rendercolor" string m_FriendlyName = "FX Color (R G B)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.disablereceiveshadows" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable Receiving Shadows" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.lightgroup" string m_FriendlyName = "Light Group" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Will only be lit by lights affecting this group." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.fademindist" string m_FriendlyName = "Start Fade Dist" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Distance at which the overlay starts to fade (<0 = subtract from fademaxdist)." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.fademaxdist" string m_FriendlyName = "End Fade Dist" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Maximum distance at which the overlay is visible (0 = don\'t fade out)." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.fadescale" string m_FriendlyName = "Fade Scale" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under low end/medium end/XBox360, then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn\'t specified. This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades. Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances, and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.damagefilter" string m_FriendlyName = "Damage Filter" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name of the filter entity that controls which entities can damage us." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.ResponseContext" string m_FriendlyName = "Response Contexts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Response system context(s) for this entity. Format should be: /'key:value,key2:value2,etc/'. When this entity speaks, the list of keys & values will be passed to the response rules system." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.disableshadows" string m_FriendlyName = "Disable shadows" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "" string m_FriendlyName = "Target Path Corner" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "If set, the name of a path corner entity that this NPC will walk to, after spawning." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.squadname" string m_FriendlyName = "Squad Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "NPCs that are in the same squad (i.e. have matching squad names) will share information about enemies, and will take turns attacking and covering each other." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.hintgroup" string m_FriendlyName = "Hint Group" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Hint groups are used by NPCs to restrict their hint-node searching to a subset of the map\'s hint nodes. Only hint nodes with matching hint group names will be considered by this NPC." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.hintlimiting" string m_FriendlyName = "Hint Limit Nav" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Limits NPC to using specified hint group for navigation requests, but does not limit local navigation." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.allowgenericnodes" string m_FriendlyName = "If a Hint Group is specified, whether to also allow the use of generic nodes." string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.spawnflags" string m_FriendlyName = "" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "spawnflags" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.sleepstate" string m_FriendlyName = "Sleep State" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Holds the NPC in stasis until specified condition. See also \'Wake Radius\' and \'Wake Squad\'." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.wakeradius" string m_FriendlyName = "Wake Radius" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Auto-wake if player within this distance" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.wakesquad" string m_FriendlyName = "Wake Squad" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Wake all of the NPCs squadmates if the NPC is woken" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.enemyfilter" string m_FriendlyName = "Enemy Filter" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Filter by which to filter potential enemies" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.ignoreunseenenemies" string m_FriendlyName = "Ignore unseen enemies" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Prefer visible enemies, regardless of distance or relationship priority" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.physdamagescale" string m_FriendlyName = "Physics Impact Damage Scale" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_hunter_invincible.NavRestrictionVolume" string m_FriendlyName = "Nav Restriction Volume" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Markup volume entity to restrict unit navigation" },

4. Combine Ceiling Turrets will also have a come back in Half-Life 3[]:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse" string m_FriendlyName = "npc_turret_ceiling_pulse" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Combine Pulse Ceiling Turret" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.vscripts" string m_FriendlyName = "Entity Scripts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.targetname" string m_FriendlyName = "Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.spawnflags" string m_FriendlyName = "" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "spawnflags" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "" string m_FriendlyName = "Starting health" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.minhealthdmg" string m_FriendlyName = "Min req\'d damage for hurting turret" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.scanwhenidle" string m_FriendlyName = "Scan When Idle" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.scanspeed" string m_FriendlyName = "Scan Speed" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.model" string m_FriendlyName = "World model" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.gun_model" string m_FriendlyName = "Gun model" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.npc_turret_ceiling_pulse.suck_position" string m_FriendlyName = "Vortex Position" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Position for the sucking vortex." },

5. Quests, dialogs... Gordon Freeman is finally going to break his always silent type and have some conversations with NPCs?[]:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.info_quest_dialog" string m_FriendlyName = "info_quest_dialog" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "info_quest_dialog" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.vscripts" string m_FriendlyName = "Entity Scripts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.targetname" string m_FriendlyName = "Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.start_enabled" string m_FriendlyName = "Start Enabled" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.dialog_string" string m_FriendlyName = "Dialog String" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.dialog_sound" string m_FriendlyName = "Dialog Sound" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.repeat_dialog_string" string m_FriendlyName = "Repeat Dialog String" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.repeat_dialog_sound" string m_FriendlyName = "Repeat Dialog Sound" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.info_quest_dialog.next_dialog" string m_FriendlyName = "Next dialog stage (Randomly picked if multiple)" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" },
6. All our quests will have a goal including the helping marker which will point you to the needed direction, like in GTA games[]:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.point_quest_goal" string m_FriendlyName = "point_quest_goal" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "point_quest_goal" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.vscripts" string m_FriendlyName = "Entity Scripts" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "Name(s) of script files that are executed after all entities have spawned." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.targetname" string m_FriendlyName = "Name" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "The name that other entities refer to this entity by." }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.start_enabled" string m_FriendlyName = "Start Enabled" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.height" string m_FriendlyName = "Height of marker beam" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.radius" string m_FriendlyName = "Radius of bottom disc" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.traceup" string m_FriendlyName = "Trace up to place top of beam" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.point_quest_goal.tracedown" string m_FriendlyName = "Trace down to place bottom of beam" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" },
Last edited by p0sixkillah; 10 Oct, 2015 @ 1:54am
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 2:01am 
The rpg.txt file[] is just worth looking at. Given that Half-Life 3 will implement quests and dialogs, some of these can be used in HL3.
p0sixkillah 10 Oct, 2015 @ 2:05am 
lights.txt has some info on how the advanced light system works in Source 2 games.

1. Realistic Day/Night Cycle:
CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Element.RealisticDayNightCycle" string m_FriendlyName = "RealisticDayNightCycle" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "RealisticDayNightCycle" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.time" string m_FriendlyName = "Time of Day" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "" string m_FriendlyName = "Day of the Year" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.daylength" string m_FriendlyName = "Day Length" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.location" string m_FriendlyName = "Location" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.custom_timezone" string m_FriendlyName = "Custom Time Zone" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.custom_latitude" string m_FriendlyName = "Custom Latitude" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.custom_longitude" string m_FriendlyName = "Custom Longitude" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.synodic_month" string m_FriendlyName = "Synodic Month Length" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" }, CHelpEntry { string m_Id = "Attribute.RealisticDayNightCycle.lunar_phase" string m_FriendlyName = "Lunar Phase" string m_TooltipOverride = "" string m_HelpText = "" },
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