The Sir. Community Sir.
The Sir. Community Sir.
2007 年 8 月 6 日
关于 The Sir. Community

If you're reading this, you've either known the Community during our glory days or you've miraculously stumbled upon us for the first time, possibly by way of our old productions or interactions with a member still sporting the tag. So welcome back or welcome to The Sir. Community.

Over the last sixteen years or so, we've had the distinction and pleasure of producing popular mods, maps, and machinima for various games. We've enjoyed the privilege of beta testing upcoming AAA titles and even producing content for official release in a couple of them. During that time we made enumerable friends across a multitude of nations and mediums who shared the same passion for fun, production, and learning. It is that last point which is most memorable and dear to us as our history is richest because of the people we've met along the way.

For the last few years, the Community has been relatively dormant. Many, if not most, of our members and fans have moved on due to real world obligations and the journey of life before them. However, we are happily seeing a massive surge of returning members, fans, and colleagues. While we no longer do a lot of what we once did, the central theme of the Community has not waned, as we continue to practice the simple art of just hanging out and gaming together.

The Sir. Community[]
The Sir. Community Discord[]
Anthony discovers Steam