Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion SoaSER
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion SoaSER
Creat la
5 aprilie 2012
Toate discuțiile > Discuții generale > Detaliile subiectului
Player vs AI
>Why is it so hard to find people to play a game or two with

Oh poop, I just wanted to respond to this guy's post - not edit it! Sorry, I'm not sure how to revert it back - Whippersnapper.
Editat ultima dată de WHIPperSNAPper; 4 mai 2020 la 19:34
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Se afișează 1-8 din 8 comentarii
TRP 18 ian. 2020 la 17:00 
well if you need someone to play AI, you can add me. im livin in europe too :)
Editat ultima dată de TRP; 19 ian. 2020 la 4:20
You are in.
Anyone else willing to join in?
>Why is it so hard to find people to play a game or two with

Most people just play vs. AI with their friends in passworded or locked games, often with mods. Why there is so much "stranger danger" among people who come online, I don't know.
Easy -> Time and Location.
Anomaly 10 iul. 2020 la 15:22 
I'm down.
... Down how?
Hey! I can play Player vs AI in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion with you!!! Add me as one of your friends on Steam, we need to talk about how to play together.
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