( (( ((( MIND-GAMES ))) )) ) free mind
( (( ((( MIND-GAMES ))) )) ) free mind
7 May, 2017
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Nato - the puppeteer of terrorists
Nato - the puppeteer of terrorists.

I feel everyone by now knows that Nato controls terrorists within a modern setting in order to justify it's existance. Moments after the 9/11 false flag, the USA invoked article 5 and demanded that it's allies help it in what shall be the never ending war on terror.

Lately we have had the Manchester terrorist attack. I am unsure if you are aware however 2 weeks before the attack the G7 had a meeting and the entire Shengen zone was brought to a halt, as a terrorist attack was deemed iminant. After the G7 meeting, a NATO meeting was planned Clearly terrorists were allowed to perform a terrorist attack in order to make Nato feel like it is more relavent.

After the bombings in Manchester, yet again, we had President Trump, and Nato commanders yet again demanding that at least 2% of a countrie's GDP. Where would this money be spent? I suspect the USA military complex for more f35's, or, some payment would be made to militarily stronger nations in return for "security".

The Phillipine president - Rodrigo Duterte - has rightly been very critical of the USA due to it's role in the world. In return USA backed NGO's (which are funded by soros) such as human rights watch are stating that the Phillipines are undermining human rights etc. which is what they did with regards to President Assat before ISIS were unleashed on that country in order to weaken Iran's position. As with Syria, ISIS have been mobilzed in order to weaken the president, and eventually the USA will sent troops in to clean up they mess they made, and they stay there, so the Phillipines becomes a psudo colony, like it once was.

Earlier last year we also saw the activation of a right winf paramilitary organisation, namely right sector, which was utilised in order to bring the Ukraine under the umbrella of the eu, and away from Russia, in order to activate what is now called the second cold war.

And of course, Nato supported the kosovo liberation army, which eventually split up yugaslavia to create several weak baltic states as opposed to the kingdom of yugaslavia which decreased Russia's influence in the east.
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