Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 de marzo de 2023
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Gnome Hut
Rust Roleplayers Events Discord
Rust Roleplayers
Roleplay events
Medieval Event The Last AK
In some games, the word "roleplay" includes acting, or playing certain "roles". I've played Rust for over 10 years, and in that time I don't recall seeing anyone pretend to be a fictional character, and there are no set classes or roles. What players refer to as "roleplay" in Rust generally refers to acts of creativity, or simply anything that isn't strictly competitive. Atleast one community event in Rust involved what Garry's Mod players might call lite roleplay.

A character getting arrested during a medieval roleplay event:

In 2023, a player explained:
Roleplay in rust is a very ambigius term, many define it by decorating their base and calling themselves roleplayers, others will go run around mic spamming at outpost and such for a goof, others will play out scenes with strangers or get them to go on quests. I cant say that theres a wrong way to roleplay. Its simply adding another layer of intigue and entertainment to this 10 year old game we all call home. I have been playing in "Roleplay" groups for 7+ years, before that i was in a 15man clan doing 100 rocket raids and ak roams day 2, never looked back. RP4Life.

Roleplay bases
The majority of bases in Rust are designed for competitive purposes. On a typical server, less than 1% of bases are creative designs, which are referred to as roleplay bases.

Player-run hotels are described as roleplay bases, but the hotel owners are not pretending to run a hotel, because (like in the case of the Pipe n' Poob Tavern) they are functional hotels, where the guests pay resources to be able to stay in the hotel. When run efficiently, such hotels can be highly competitive, as they can "house an army".

The Voice Props Pack released in July 2021 has been used for the creation of dance floors (such as those built by Reptar) where players enjoy music and socializing rather than killing. Players relaxing on a dance floor might be considered as "roleplayers", and a base that includes a dance floor might be described as a roleplay base even if the owners used the rest of the base for competitive purposes such as storing rockets and shooting players from the roof.

Wooden Signs and Portraits have been used to create paintings, which have been used in art galleries where players enjoy seeing creative expression. I think an art gallery would be described as a "roleplay base", but I'm not sure if I'd describe the players visiting an art gallery to be roleplayers - even a highly competitive player might want to look inside an art gallery if they came across one, but I wouldn't call them a roleplayer for poking their nose inside.

There are many other types of "roleplay base" that players have created, though they are rare. Some servers might not have any creative bases at all. The rarity of such bases is said to add value to them, and they have often been the target of griefing.

Cultural history
Facepunch released Garry's Mod in 2004, and opened their own forum. When they were developing Rust in 2013, Facepunch held an art competition on their forum where players could win Rust keys. Garry's Mod being a sandbox game had a creative culture. I think many Garry's Mod players enjoyed the the art competition and were interested to play Rust, which helped give Rust itself a creative culture in the early days.

There were few "roleplay" items in Rust - it was clearly a competitive environment. Items like the painting boards and photo frames were added later, and some "fun" items or cosmetics would be behind a paywall such as the Steam market or DLC packs. The gameplay became increasingly competitive, because it's difficult to be social or do roleplay when you're getting attacked, so the "creative types" mostly left the game.

Server wipes became little more than a match where players formed into groups that tried to win the research arms race so that they could eliminate other players by raiding them.

Some of the creative types that left the game have made comments explaining why they left, and wish for more creative tools to be added to the game, and for there to be less updates that push the mechanics towards competitive PvP gameplay, but such players are often insulted for asking for the game to be changed after they stopped playing it. There's an opinion that the creative types were more or less chased out of the game.

Group culture
Many groups that play the game do so with competitive motivations. An example of a competitive group is ORP, which appear to have used a strategy of offline raiding which has been criticized for being overly competitive. Some groups lean towards PvP but still have a creative flair, such as The Government. An example of a group that clearly enjoyed creativity while still conducting warfare can be seen in The Co-op. The most creative group appears to have been Reptar Empire, which are widely respected due their creative efforts.

Server culture
Some servers have no roleplay, such as Battlefield and Speedrun servers. Some had a partial culture of roleplay, such as the nebulous server which was largely populated by Garry's Mod players. Creative works have been documented on Rustopia US Large. The Rust Roleplayers server has been used for atleast one roleplay event, though it was private. Most creative bases appear to be found on Build servers, although you might not find "roleplayers" there because players are unlikely to interact with bases on Build servers.

See also
Attacks against roleplayers
Build servers
Creative base design
Creative bases
Friendly players
Roleplay events

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Gnome News
Gnome News journal day 1
I was a member of the Government Discord server, where someone shared an invite link to the Rust Roleplayers Discord, so I joined it, and found that they had a "private" Rust server. They were planning to host an event on the server that made use of the new Primitive update by limiting the level of technology.

This Medieval Event they titled The Last AK was "locked" (or "whitelisted") to prevent "trolls" from interrupting the roleplay. The rules more or less stated that random killing was not allowed, and suggested messaging the other party out-of-character to agree to conflict beforehand.

I made an "application" ticket. A few hours later, a comment in the ticket channel asked for my Steam profile, intentions for roleplay, and motivation for joining. I said that I'd check out the culture before contributing to it, and that I wanted to write an article. My application was accepted.

The event started on Thursday 20th Feb 2025, and would run until 23rd Feb. An announcement visible to all whitelisted members included a server connect command. I didn't have to enter a password to join the server; I assume that the connection would be refused to anyone that wasn't whitelisted.

Day 1
Over a dozen players streamed the event on that first day. I made a copy of the map:

I joined as a "wanderer" (not belonging to any tribe). When I spawned, the sun was setting, and some players complained about the darkness. I saw many players running along the beach with torches out. When the sun came up, I was surprised to see an extensive player-made wall running along the beach, which I guess the players were trying to find a way around. The wall was a rope mesh, so I climbed over it. There was a second layer of wall to climb when heading inland. I later found out that the walls had been part of a horse racing track. I imagine that it had been built before the event opened.

Someone I knew previously from an uninvolved group (the Government) had mentioned the Dome monument, so I headed there, and built a small wooden hut in L7. I left the entrance open, which led to an upper floor, and there was a lower floor at half height which you could only get into by crouching down the stairs. This lower floor featured a painting of a gnome. I referred to this building as The Gnome Hut.

The hut was in a good central location from which to explore the map. The map itself was a good size - big enough to fit all the tribes, while only taking a couple of minutes to run from one village to another. I met the local tribe that worshipped the Dome - they prayed towards it, and said that it would keep me safe. Funnily enough they were right, because I only ran into trouble when I explored away from the Dome.

The first incident was when I put my weapon away and walked up to a player outside a base he was working on, and when he noticed me he decided to kill me with an arrow. I later found out that he was a member of the Merry Men. It was said that fighting is allowed at monuments, but we weren't in one. I guessed that admins would deal with him if he kept being disruptive. He did later get in trouble for "camping people", and said that "the merry men don't take prisoners".

There was an increase of node spawns on this server; bases were going up and expanding quickly. A character I bumped into suggested I should "pray towards the dome everyday" and gave me a tiger skin rug before running off into the forest. Another said that "THE DOME TELLS LIES. DO NOT STARE INTO IT." A Bishop of the Dome said in chat "Do not go towards the dome unless you are a believer, for nonbelievers will be smitten" - they supposedly sacrificed characters to the Dome.

The animals felt dangerous, as you only had primitive weapons to defend yourself. Outpost sold such medieval technology as Tesla Coils and Nightvision, but the Scientist Sentry guns always killed me whenever I was near an Outpost, which is how I lost the tiger rug.

Near the Dome tribe's base, a wanderer met with a tribe member and told him "I seek refuge." I tried to warn him that "they're maniacs!" but it was too late - they ran into the Dome base, and I saw them praying together.

I noticed that the leader of SMG had joined the server. A few days earlier he had raided my Rust News office and insulted me on his stream. I heard that he quickly joined a tribe, and was involved in a battle against the Merry Men, before he accidentally killed one of his teammates and then left the server.

I ran to the north-east, where a knight rode by and asked what kingdom I was apart of. I said I was just exploring the land, and he said "bag yourself here in Jack's kingdom". Another member of his tribe stopped by me, and I got the feeling that they were on a clan team system, as they easily noticed when an alien was passing by. This second man told me to give an offering to the Oracle, and pointed to a building nearby.

Someone there at a window said hello, and I asked where the Oracle was, and she said that she was the Oracle, and invited me in to make an offering. I went to the front door, and the codelock zapped as if someone inside had tried the wrong code. Half a minute and a beep later, they let me inside to make an offering to their special tree. I was told that the tree would bless me with wealth, so I explained that this blessing would add well to my blessing of protection from the Dome, but they assured me that the Dome tribe were "liars", and that the Dome's sacrificial killings would need to be stopped.

I ran back to the Dome intending to inform them that their ritual murder had been judged by "the Oracle of the north-east", but it was getting dark, so I wrote the news on a paper so that I could deliver it in the morning.

There was more drama about the Merry Men killing players - one of them suggested that the victim should "make a ticket", and seemed confident that his kills were within the rules. When the sun rose, I saw the Dome tribe after a few minutes - as far as I could tell, they were doing some diplomacy with the Church of Cobalt, as they gave a prominent member of the Church a gift. He seemed uninterested in my news, but I left the newspaper with three of the Dome tribe, which they were interested to see.

A dozen characters then gathered outside the Dome base, and as I watched them, they were running past me, but stopped to argue. They were a group of Elves that had upset the Dome tribe, as a Dome member angrily said to them "you speak this blasphemy infront of the dome!?" The word "goblin" was thrown like an insult. There were many voices arguing until they settled their differences, as I later heard "good tidings Dome worshippers" and "dab me up, Archbishop."

I started a newspaper called Gnome News, which involved making copies of the local news and then (attempting) to spread it to the four corners of the map, which potentially could help stir some roleplay. I put up a sign in the Gnome Hut that read Gnome News, and made a box so that I could leave some copies of the news in it.

As I was writing the first edition of the newspaper, a trio of characters entered the office, and seeing that nothing had been printed yet, one joked "is no news gnome news?" I finished the first edition of the paper, and in that moment, a friendly player walked into the office, so I handed it to him before proof-reading it, and he seemed interested. I later found out that the player was streaming to 400 people, and I had made a mistake in the newspaper that I had given him.

The server whitelist applications were re-opened, as a Discord group announcement stated that some "bad eggs" had been removed. When I reached the north-east on my newspaper round, I sat in one of the chairs of an empty shop while I took a break to eat. Some players came over thinking that I was the shopkeeper. One (a member of Reksmore) sold me a shirt for cheap, which I said "almost made me look civilized". I gave them each a copy of the news. Nearby, at P3, a colosseum hosted an advertised event.

I entered the colosseum, and heard an argument over what sounded like someone trespassing in the throne booth. Looking down into the arena, I saw a man standing in the middle of it, and someone jumped down to battle him, which after a short fight left one of them knocked. The victor looked up to the audience of around 40 players as if to ask whether he should give a killing blow, but a third character jumped down and stabbed him in the back. A ballista bolt killed the backstabber. Later, some more fighters dropped down, and I found myself rooting for whoever wore the least armor, as they appeared to be the underdogs.

A man in the audience made a treacherous statement, calling out "the false king", and almost immediately was struck by a dozen arrows. Another member of the audience had an awkward moment, as he was knocked into the arena by someone riding a horse around the building. The number of players present had risen to about 50. After some time organizing a fight, a 5v5 battle was shown, where one side managed to kill the other without losing a man; the victors were criticized for having used a jackhammer, which made a lot of sparks when it hit a shield.

A member of Shephard's Villa invited me to an improvised 5-man team, but I was focused on passive roleplay, and didn't intend to do any fighting. The sun set, so the building was lit by numerous torches which gave a moody atmosphere. Another 5v5 was shown, which resulted in 8 being killed. The two left standing celebrated, but were hit by various articles being thrown down into the arena - one was killed when a spear struck him in the head. I struggled to follow who the teams were, partly because there didn't appear to be distinct uniforms, but it was good watching them compete.

The number of players in the colosseum reached atleast 60; the microphone chat drowned much of the noise, and the performance was getting choppy. My PC was producing so much heat that I turned my radiator off. The kits of the dead were said to have been given back to the fighters after the battles.

In a third 5v5 battle, a smoke grenade was thrown into the arena, which might have been done for mischief, but it added a dynamic to the fight. As this chaotic battle ended, a maniac entered the arena while swinging a sword and shouted "for Robin Hood and the Merry Men!"

The winners of the battles so far were announced as BoGA, Dome, and CML. Some final battles were held to determine who would be announced as General Marshal, with the last battle starting with spears being thrown before the melee began. The final winners were Dome, which were soon accused of being cheaters. I went to bed soon after.

The final version of the first newspaper read:
Day 1 News: Elves insult Dome worshippers with blasphemy.
North-east Oracle judges Dome sacrifices as murder.
Merry Men raided for committing crimes against the folk.
Colosseum 5v5 winners: BoGA, Dome, CML.

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- Roleplay
-- Roleplay events
--- Medieval Event The Last AK
---- Gnome News
Sign base
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