Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 марта 2023 г.
1–10 из 872
Horse Racing Track
The Large Stable
Best Shop
The Last AK storyline
An information post in the Discord server explained the premise of the Last AK event which ran for 3 days:
Cobalt has left the Rust island, and with that they've taken all the guns with them. In this time players have had to resort to primitive means, but to the surprise of many a golden AK remains on the island, it is told whoever has this AK will be able to bring peace to the island and restore it to it's former glory.

So for this server, we will only have one event that will be announced on day one, this event is to help push the story, and give teams some conflict to start off with. At the end of Day 1 an announcement will happen in chat which will announce the coordinates for of the last AK, the last AK will be guarded by several longbow turrets, in a stone tomb. High value primitive items will be found within this location, alongside a golden facemask, golden ak, and a golden chest plate. All interactions and story going forward will be directed by the creators and the Kingdom leaders.

The map showed that there were four main factions, each based on an oasis in the four corners of the square-shaped island. There were also some minor factions. Documented factions included:
  • Reksmore's Kingdom, located in the north-west, which had 85+ members. They included a faction called The Evles.
  • Shephard's Kingdom, located in the north-east, which was also known as Shephard's Village Empire. It was based on the Holy Roman Empire. They had the most applications, which was noted as being "at full capacity" with 120+ members, so applicants were encouraged to join other tribes. They included a faction called BOGA.
  • Cobalt Ruins, located in the south-west.
  • Zombie's Kingdom, located in the south-east. Little was documented about them, as they seemed reclusive, but were noted as having atleast 50 members.
  • The Merry Men owned a base in a snow biome in the middle of the map.
  • The Dome tribe had a village in the north.
  • The Swamp Men had a small village in the northern swamp.
  • CML owned a fort in the south.

Atleast 24 players were Wanderers that did not (atleast initially) join a tribe. The event Discord server had links to Discord servers belonging to Reksmore, Jack (I assume that was Jack Shephard), and Zombie Barricade.

I believe that the rules of the event originally discouraged violence unless it was agreed out-of-character before starting the conflict. An exception to the rule was that killing was allowed in monuments. The FAQ channel of the event Discord hinted at the culture of war and diplomacy:
Q: Can I make my own faction that isn't related to a kingdom?
A: We recommend a faction to join under one of the three Kingdoms, but it is not required. Fair warning if you are not associated with a Kingdom, or factions from Kingdoms will have the power to attack you and put you under their banner, so it is best to ally or choose a Kingdom to represent your interests.

In the first two days of the event (20th, 21st Feb), there were minor incidents between some factions. The Merry Men were involved in many such cases due to their violence, while the other factions were (generally) more diplomatic.

The location of the Golden AK was revealed in a Discord announcement on the night of 20th Feb/morning of 21st Feb:
The Last Ak has been located in the mountains of the South-West (E8). It has been claimed and guarded by a group of Rogue Knights known as the Old Guard. They wish to claim the Ak for themselves and form a new grand kingdom and unite the fractured southern region of the AK as its Holy Relic.

Half an hour after the location of the AK was revealed, another announcement stated that "The Golden Ak Has been retrieved by the Emperor Jack Shepard of the North."

On 22nd Feb, there ended up being a small battle at the Elf Church, which was part of Reksmore's Kingdom. I heard that this conflict had involved Shephard's group attacking the Elves. The two sides had a religious disagreement, as they both had a church in their lands that each housed a sacred tree. One of the them was said to be a "false tree".

The Dome tribe joined the Kingdom of Reksmore. The Empire's Sacred Tree disappeared, and they felt that Dome had betrayed them. A diplomatic meeting between Dome and the Empire turned bloody on 22nd Feb.

In a battle on 23rd Feb, the Empire used multiple tug boats to travel to Reksmore's land and then use siege weapons to assault Reksmore's Fortress. Atleast 15 attackers used a raid base, a siege tower, a ram, three catapults, and four tugs. The Reksmore tribe fired bolts down at the attackers, and successfully defended their fort.

Forces of the Empire then met with the Dome tribe outside the Dome Castle, where the two sides negotiated, surrounded by siege weapons. The Empire then assaulted the castle - their oracle announced "avenge the Sacred Tree!" Atleast 12 attackers used a raid base, four siege towers, six rams, six catapults, and several horses. The Dome defenders were reinforced by the Elves - both the Dome tribe and the Elves were part of the Kingdom of Reksmore. The defenders successfully defended the castle, as the raid base appeared to have been blown up with Propane Explosive Bombs.

It was said that the AK had the Medieval Assault Rifle skin. I'm not sure how the AK was supposed to "bring peace to the island", as the Empire owned it, but didn't appear to use it in battle. I'm not sure if there was even any ammunition for it. I asked in the Discord for a summary of the storyline, but didn't get a serious reply.

For players in the east, I think that the event rolled over into the morning of Sunday 23rd Feb, but (for players in the US timezone) the event officially ended by Sunday. The server would remain open for the rest of that day so that players could finish up storylines and explore the builds.

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- Roleplay
-- Roleplay events
--- Medieval Event The Last AK
Gnome News reflections
Reflecting on my experience of the Last AK event, I had experience of roleplay in Garry's Mod, and knew that a good roleplay culture in a PvP game was hard to create, and easy to lose. I was worried that people would go into the event just trying to "network" as there were many streamers involved, but was relieved to find that players roleplayed consistently (and creatively).

Level of roleplay
It wasn't serious roleplay, as everyone ran when getting from A to B, and seemed to be using the UI nametags to keep track of who eachother were. I wouldn't say that anyone played a real (or realistic) character. Many played theatrical characters, all using the microphone to communicate, with some even using voice changers. Many were eager to express the interests and traditions of their tribes. The interactions often bounced around with easy questions, and clear motivations.

I'm glad the staff trusted me to figure out what I wanted to do after joining the server, because I doubt I'd have thought up Gnome News beforehand. There appeared to be a lot of organic roleplay like that. Maybe the sky-diving tower didn't fit the medieval theme, but that was practically hidden, having been built on the edge of the map. I'm not sure if I was supposed to remain a wanderer, but I suppose I didn't need to join a faction to contribute.

There was a good player-density, as the map wasn't too big - I think roleplay benefits when players frequently interact. If anything, I thought that the map could have been a bit smaller - I stuck around the northern end of the map because there wasn't much distance between the towns up there, but moving south felt like a chore.

The animals added danger when trying to get somewhere. I've never really enjoyed fighting animals in Rust, as they're blindly aggressive, and can attack through obstacles, and can see in the dark. My character didn't use armor, and the best weapon I had was a crossbow. It was probably better for them to be included, but they could be frustrating. Many players got killed by the animals. There was someone roleplaying as a hunter, but it generated little roleplay.

Players were getting gunned down by the Scientist Turrets of the Outpost monument. At one point I was killed in a forest by the turrets hitting me between the trees - I couldn't even see the turrets. I think that players were being killed by the turrets because they were using weapons while trying to defend themselves from animals, but at one point I was killed by turrets without having used any weapons. I don't know if anyone used the Outpost.

We had a lot of props to roleplay with - I noticed that the torch had infinite use. Resources were plentiful. You didn't need to grind to get what you needed, which enabled you to quickly get on with roleplay instead of having to constantly gather resources.

I doubt it would have been better, but a potential benefit to making items and resources more scarce is that it could animate an economy. There was no shortage of food, but if one tribe's land had plenty of food and another had plenty of metal then it could provoke interaction and storylines by (organically) motivating trade. This helped promote roleplay interactions in Garry's Mod, until (ironically) all the trading was automated by the development of trading NPCs.

I think it would have helped (from a wanderer's perspective) if each tribe had clear uniforms. I don't think Facepunch does a good job catering to the playerbase in this respect, because you have to pay to get different cosmetics, and some types of clothing and armor have little to no cosmetic variation. If there was any action, like two sides fighting eachother, I couldn't tell who was involved.

Facepunch really should have allowed players to remove bushes, because someone would build a nice castle, and it would look perfect in a screenshot except there would be a bush infront of the gate.

My base never got raided, and there was a good level of trust between players. The rules more or less stated that random killing was not allowed, and suggested messaging the other party out-of-character to agree to conflict beforehand. I wasn't sure if much conflict would be gained from this system, because you'd have to find a way to contact the other player out-of-character, and then somehow find some mutually agreeable reason to start a war, and hope that both sides maintained a sense of restraint. I think history has shown that you either end up with one extreme or the other (unrestricted violence, or peace).

Fighting was allowed at monuments. Apparently there was a map showing a green "safe" zone that related to PvP zones, but I never found a copy of the map that showed the zones. I saw players argue in chat about whether kills had been made inside or outside monuments. I couldn't see a way to report random killing to the admins, and had checked the FAQ list in the Discord. I think we mostly did a good job here - there was some killing that seemed pointless, but it can help to have someone spark conflict. My favorite moment was the use of the catapult, and sharing photos of it. I thought it was ironic that the players firing the catapult had been told "not to force RP" and had to stop firing it.

I was losing motivation on day 1 after getting killed by the animals, turrets, and being randomly killed by a player. It felt pointless having to craft everything again just to try to protect yourself from the animals roaming everywhere - a bow wasn't much use against multiple wolves, and barely helped even against bears. I stopped playing when it was dark; the night was skipped on some occasions, and I wonder if shorter nights would have made sense. I was sure that roaming at night would result in getting attacked by animals, with no practical way to fight them.

It was important that the connect command had been posted in the group's Discord server, because the server still didn't show up in my server history list. When it was over, it would have been nice to see an announcement that summarized the storyline, but after checking the announcements I was left confused about whether there had been a coherent storyline or not; I asked about what happened in the storyline but didn't get a serious reply. When I read that /r/playrust staff helped run the event, I was surprised that I wasn't banned from it, because they had harassed me and permanently banned me from the subreddit and refused to explain why.

Technical issues
Perhaps a trivial point - during the event, my Rust client "couldn't connect to Steam" and sometimes had to be restarted to fix the issue.

Archive navigation
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- Roleplay
-- Roleplay events
--- Medieval Event The Last AK
---- Gnome News
The Last AK event streamers
Gnome News journal day 3
I got on for day 3 of the event (Saturday 22nd Feb 2025) to find a part of the Gnome Hut's twig roof missing.

There wasn't much sunlight, so I ran over to the nearby swamp and asked if they had any news to share before heading back to spend the night safely in the Gnome Hut. They said they had been chased by a monster at night. One Swamp Man said he had won a horse race at the Radtown track against around 10 other riders. I was given a bottle of "swamp water" before leaving.

I heard an explosion near the Dome, so I ran out in the darkness to see what was happening. Fortunately I wasn't attacked by any animals. I'm not sure what the explosion was, but I saw a dozen members of what I think were Shephard's Villa arrive in the area to ask if Dome had "paid tribute". An important note is that the Dome tribe were based halfway between the Kingdom of Reksmore and the Shephard's tribe. Around 25 characters met in a circular hall where leaders discussed the situation. It sounded like both groups (Dome and Shephard) had an alliance against a common enemy, and the Dome tribe argued that they had been helpful in the alliance.

Shephard's group accused the Dome tribe of being incahoots with the Kingdom of Reksmore. The Dome representative was trying to find some common ground when I heard a member of the audience say "on three", and passed an item to someone sitting next to him, then a few seconds later there was chaos - someone had assassinated one of the representatives, and a shout of "kill them all!" was heard:

Fires were started, and people were running about, with many escaping through the open doors. I took some photographs, and got burnt as I left the building:

I was feeling ill, and struggled to follow exactly what was happening. Someone came back over to apologize for the incident. It sounded like these kind of moments had happened before - talking out-of-character, one of them said that some "bad actors" had been banned for "unfortunate incidents" beforehand. I think someone took the "beef" too seriously, or just weren't creative enough when animating the conflict.

The conversation then went back in-character. I believe that Sherphard's group wanted the Dome tribe to be prepared to fight alongside them against Reksmore if needed. Judging by the tone of voice at the end of the conversation - they didn't form a strong alliance. I had been eavesdropping through the wall, and ran west to share news of the developments.

When I got to the Elf Church, I took cover and eavesdropped there too, and heard them talking about what I assume was the incident, before some banging could be heard. I stepped out to see what was happening, and was immediately hit by a stray arrow - they had started fighting. I think I heard a representative of Shephard's tribe call out "Elven scum!" as the two groups battled. I managed to escape into the forest, which seemed more thick with trees on this server compared to others. I was later told that this moment of conflict had involved Shephard's group attacking the Elves.

I accidentally strayed towards the Outpost, so to avoid the turrets I ran back the way I came, and was spotted by the Elves. I hid behind some of the trees as they ran over. Some ran past me, so I stepped out and asked "who are we looking for?" They turned around and questioned me. I said that I was a journalist. They trusted me, and one said that he had been reporting a troublemaker, and he gave me a ride to Reksmore's town.

We rode through the gate of Reksmore's Fortress, where I shared a newspaper, before we went back out into the town. I was given a good pair of trousers to match my shirt. The townsfolk were interested to hear of the intrigue between Shephard and Dome, as I explained that they had failed to form an alliance against Reksmore.

I was told that there would be an event in the hall on the lake when the sun went down, but the gates to the building were closed that night. While eavesdropping at the building, I heard what sounded like a combat training event inside - they were trying to figure out how best to co-ordinate using crossbows together. There was a child distributing potatoes. One man explained some news, saying "I have planted a trojan horse on the Shephard's" and also noted that Reksmore "had spies in every Kingdom".

As the sun rose, I ran away back to the east so that I didn't get caught listening. There were many horseback patrols around the area, which would often stop to kill dangerous animals.

Arriving at the Dome, I found that the Dome tribe had joined the Kingdom of Reksmore, and saw that their Temple was now militarised with many barricades and balistae.

Further east, at Shephard's land, they were shocked at the news of Dome joining Reksmore, and were interested to hear that Reksmore had been spying on them. Some were idle - waiting to hear from their Emperor. I noticed that the buildings in their town were a mixture of taverns and competitive designs. At the time they were letting off several fireworks.

When I told a particular member about the spies, he was suspicious of me, and called for a priest to judge on whether I was a spy or not. I said that I was just bringing the news. They demanded a news story that they had never heard before, so I told them that the Swamp people were good at bottling water, and that I had a sample for them. I gave them the bottle of swamp water, and one man drank it - he was disgusted by it, and splashed it before dropping the bottle. He angrily declared that I was banned from their lands. I quickly left. It did turn out to be my last visit to the town.

Running back west, I found someone playing the piano in the Steeped Keep Tea Shoppe, which I think was part of the Dome's territory, now itself part of Reksmore's Kingdom. I told her that I was banned from the lands in the east, and she didn't sound surprised. I got the sense that there would be a war between the Reksmore and Shephard tribes.

I passed through the swamp, and intended to tell the people there that their Swamp Water™ was not popular, but nobody was around. I noticed heads on the large tree in the middle of the swamp - many of the heads belonged to members of BoGA and CML. I guess they had been strolling through the area at night.

At the Elf church, I showed them photographs of the eastern fireworks, which I described as "new technology". An Elf there had been killed by a boar. I came back to the Dome area because mass was being held at a Dome church. I saw a polar bear outside the Dome Temple, which was strange because it was a grass biome. I didn't find anyone holding mass, and felt tired, so I went back to the Gnome Hut to disconnect. I left a copy of each newspaper, and my photos in a box there.

News Day 3: Horse race won by Swamp Men.
Shephard's tribe and Dome end alliance.
Monster spotted in northern swamp at night.
Dome joins Reksmore's Kingdom.

The event ended some hours later. I didn't know what happened right at the end, but my experience of those 3 days had been memorable.

See also
Gnome News reflections

Archive navigation
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- Roleplay
-- Roleplay events
--- Medieval Event The Last AK
---- Gnome News
Reksmore's Fortress
CML's Fortress
Gnome News journal day 2
For the second day of the medieval roleplay event (Friday 21st Feb 2025), I was pleased to see that my Gnome Hut was unscathed despite it having been left without any doors - the locked box and locked TC were still intact. It would have been easy for someone to come in and break the box.

The Dome tribe's base was nearby, so I ran over and asked one of their members if there was any news, and he reported that the Elves had attempted to "desecrate" the Dome with paint, but were fought off by the Dome tribe; there was a state of war between the two groups. A bear then attacked me, and I hit it with some arrows, and while reloading behind a structure, it ran through the structure and killed me. When I got back, the Dome tribe were guarding my body. I told them that it was the body of my stunt double. They asked me if I owned the Gnome Hut, so I said that the Gnome let me stay there.

Venturing to the west, I asked someone for directions to the Elves - he didn't know where they were based, but he offered to show me his church, which was a fairly large stone building in the swamp:

The swamp also featured some quaint wooden houses that doubled as small stables, inhabited by "Swamp Men". As far as I understood their church, the interior was not finished, and the congregation believed in "the Great Green Man" which they referred to as "Shrek". A follower of this religion stated that "Shrek is love, Shrek is life". A sign inside the church featured the opening lyrics to the 1999 song All Star by Smash Mouth; the song can be heard in one of the Shrek movies.

One of the Swamp Men warned me that it was dangerous at night because "people go missing". They showed me the location of the Elve's castle - it seemed that the Elves were part of the Reksmore tribe. The Elves more or less corroborated the Dome tribe's story of the conflict between their groups.

I ran back east, and as I passed through the swamp again, I stopped to ask if one of the Swamp Men could repair my crossbow - one member wasn't certain, but he kindly swapped his good crossbow for mine, and refused any payment.

Night fell, which was awkward due to the deadly animals being able to see in the dark, so (having primitive weapons) I usually stopped in the Gnome Hut when it was dark. This night, I painted King Shrek for the Swamp Men's church. Players often joked about voting to skip the nights. The Swamp Men happily placed the painting in their church:

In the south-west, I found a village in an Oasis called Cobalt Ruins. One of the structures was a decaying church:

I saw only two inhabitants in the area. I'd guess that some of them were attending an event that was going on elsewhere. I gave one villager my newspapers, and asked him if anyone lived to the east (the south-east corner of the map), but he wasn't certain. The area felt somewhat isolated.

A stream showed that the event was held at an inaccessible arena, where two groups would get bagged to fight eachother, similar to the colosseum battles from the first day. I didn't attend the arena (I wasn't sure how to get there), but heard that the Elves won the first round of an event, and then the Empire won a round.

A minor settlement to the north of the Cobalt Ruins oasis was called The Pit, which I found empty at the time, and featured a hall. Near to the east was a building titled Far Most Outpost (at H15), which was a hotel that doubled as a casino. A stone castle at H16 was busy. There were walled-off structures at the southern swamp (around K14). I heard many voices inside a stone fortress at J15, which showed CML markings:

The south-east was blocked by an extensive external wooden wall which felt unwelcoming. There was a gap in the wall for a road, but I was worried that I'd get the Merry Men treatment if I trespassed on their land, so I didn't go through the gap.

I saw no buildings in the middle eastern part of the map. Night fell, so I built a temporary twig shack for safety. After some complaints about it being dark, the time suddenly jumped to mid-morning. I destroyed the shack and contiued, spotting a fort at R6 that was half twig and half stone. At R5, there was a strange structure that featured a series of ramps.

At R3 there was a tower called Deeno's Fish Skydiving. The tower didn't feature stairs, but there was a series of triangle platforms that you could crouch-jump on to reach the top. From the top, the only structure I could see (that would render) was the Colosseum. Moving through their town, it was clearly more developed than when I last visited. I saw a few characters; one gave me a note that read:
Down with the dome, may it wither with rust and crash down upon those who worship it's false vision.

-Sir Dingle Bearer of Truth and Ruin of DOme

I was invited in to see the Sacred Tree again for "silent worship", and took a seat at one of the pews. Players were so chatty that I couldn't hear what the guy next to me was saying. I shared the newspaper there. After awhile, I understood that they wanted me to print the fact that the Dome tribe were "dogs", and was offered some sulfur for my trouble. I had no need for sulfur, and was given a camera instead.

One character arrived to be converted from a Dome follower to a member of the Sacred Tree. I believe that this character was sacrificed. I captured evidence of the sacrifice in a photograph, and ran from the building. As I ran, I was warned at sword-point not to share the photograph:

Night fell before I could get far, so I stopped on the porch of one of their small structures, and heard a distant thumping noise, which turned out to be fireworks of heart shapes somewhere in the north. At this point, a hall in a Reksmore building had been furnished with nice paintings by MonsteraArt, which were visible in a stream, though I didn't see them myself - I didn't know exactly which building it was, and didn't want to interrupt them. I found out after the event that the paintings were located inside the fortress. Someone had given me a cap that read Friendly, but I forgot which tribe he belonged to. I was a Wanderer, and everyone else seemed to be part of a tribe.

A character asked to meet so that he could give me a story. We met at the Gnome Hut, where he paused for a moment because he was "getting more news from an anonymous source", to which I replied: "ah, telepathic communication." He wrote a paper, which I copied and distributed:
-Anonymous Source
"Dome falsified thousands of scrap in tithes and donations to avoid empire taxes. Local construction and maintenance workers of dome have gone unpaid for their labor. The cult has also begun raids on local groups such as dingle knights"

At the Dome tribe's base, I found that the people of the Sacred Tree were firing a catapult at the building, saying "praise the sacred tree" each time they launched a missile. The ammunition appeared to be their own members, which were gladly climbing onto the catapult each time it was wound back. Someone rode up to the scene and told the party that they needed to stop "forcing RP onto people". The attackers soon left, moving back east. I gave them a photo of the catapult in action before they left. I took some screenshots as I took photos, but all the screenshots were ruined by the white flash of the camera, except for one:

I saw what I would describe as a treehouse at J4, and explored the area on the map marked as Reksmore's Kingdom, finding houses, farms, stables, and shops. There was a bar called The Staggering Stallion. Some of these folk had Texas accents. One repeated the news I'd shared with him, telling his fellow tribesmen: "some fellers were attacking people at Dome or something like that". I left him with one of my photos of the catapult being used. I was glad to have been given the camera earlier. Near the Reksmore fortress, I heard something about an invasion. Some cavalry arrived and entered the castle:

There was a sound of an occasional explosion, to which one man said "these landmines are out of control". A character was then chased, being accused of "placing landmines", and almost disappeared in a smoke grenade before he was found in a clump of bushes. I heard that he was jailed at TJ's Kingswear Prim Suits - the building was guarded, and someone said "it sounds like you planted many landmines in the wrong kingdom." The suspect was told "you're going to be coming with us to the prison" before he emerged handcuffed from the building and was led into the fortress:

The sun set as another quirky development developed - a concerned lady informed me that someone was trapped on the top floor of a large stable, and asked if I had a ladder so that I could help climb up and break the window bars. I replied that I didn't have a ladder, and didn't want to vandalize anything. She said that she'd do it herself, and enlisted a group of townsfolk that boosted eachother up onto the roof and started hacking away at the window bars to free the lady inside. They accidentally killed her during the rescue attempt.

One of the characters with a Texas accent was running a hunting guide service out of an office building. I think it was an Elf that took up the offer to go on a hunt, and parked his horse at a small stable behind the office.

Another noteworthy player-mode structure in this kingdom was a dome, shaped much like the Dome monument, but smaller. The area was busy; the roleplay had great momentum here, though it felt exclusive at times... I saw no way to contribute to most of these moments without interrupting, so I mostly just watched. I spent the night in the Magic Academy building. A maniac wearing a hood entered, and stood facing me for awhile, before swinging a cleaver towards me, but didn't hit me. He then ran off into the dark.

The night was skipped after a minute. Daylight was plagued by an ominous black cloud, which was described as "the source of evil":

There was panic in the streets. One player said "the sky is falling!" and another said "the end is nigh!" The black cloud was soon replaced with the sun, and someone rejoiced "The void is gone!"

The maniac appeared again, and ran towards me swinging a knife. He struck me with it, so I aimed my crossbow at him. He apologized, and ran off into a house, and was promptly kicked out of it. The sound of fireworks and landmines exploding had been almost constant during my visit to the town.

I wanted to find the church in this area, as I found churches interesting to write about. I more or less had to interrupt a conversation just to ask the only player that seemed to know where it was. His mic kept cutting out as he tried to explain that it was in I4. I ran over to it, and found that I knew the building, but had originally thought that it was a castle. It was nice to leave the town - I no longer needed to watch my step for landmines.

Someone asked me for cloth - so I gave him some, and he handed me 18 scrap, which I had no use for. I visited a tea shop, where by chance the teas had a scrap cost (at 25 scrap each). The shop was staffed by the lady that had asked me for a ladder earlier. I said that I didn't have enough scrap for a tea, but she kindly gave me a tea without charge. As soon as I picked up the tea, I was killed from behind. I respawned and ran back there, finding that my stunt double had accidentally been killed due to a "misclick". I didn't know it at the time, but the Empire were busy assaulting a fortress somewhere in a snow biome at that moment.

I then visited a temple staffed by monks that related to the Sacred Tree. The temple featured a gong, and there was a rule that people were not allowed to run inside the temple. I had told the people here news about the man that was imprisoned for planting landmines, and they realized that he was among them - the ex-prisoner revealed that his punishment had consisted of being "placed inside the wall [of the Reksmore fortress]".

A Chinook flew over while firing down at the temple, and some of us scattered. I was tired, and headed to the Gnome Hut to sleep. I had largely been ignoring chat, as it was traditional in Gmod roleplay to focus on the players around you rather than global chat. I was about to disconnect when I now noticed someone complaining in chat about the Merry Men killing people again. One of the messages read: "Robin Hood, I'll have your head upon my wall."

The newspaper for day 2 read:
News Day 2: Elves desecrate Dome.
Church of Shrek opens in the northern Swamp.
Man imprisoned for planting landmines in Reksmore Kingdom.
Arena winners: Elves, The Empire.

See also
Gnome News journal day 3

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--- Medieval Event The Last AK
---- Gnome News
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