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15 March, 2023
Hudson633 13 Oct, 2023 @ 9:04pm
Rust traitors
As many as 80% of Rust players have teammates, but cases of betrayal (between long-standing teammates) are rare. I would be fairly confident in saying that the number of teammates that (spontaneously) betray their group is less than 2% (excluding pre-planned "insiding" attempts, such as a group sending a saboteur into another group).

Being part of a group involves teamwork that helps a player safely gather resources to build a larger base and craft stronger weaponry faster than they might have managed alone. Players trust that their teammates enjoy being in a team, and assume that a teammate wouldn't betray them because doing so would give motivation to the betrayed player to fully raid the traitor's base. Betrayals also threaten to harm friendships, so they may be even rarer among teams comprised of circles of friends that have a "web of trust."

The definition of "traitor" is arguable in many cases where teammates turn on eachother. Players may wish to leave a group for many reasons, and generally try to do so on good terms, but sometimes end up fighting their former teammates. In The Government, members that are banned by the ban court system have no obligation to avoid killing Government members, but may be considered as having betrayed the group if they attacked other members while they were the subject of an ongoing ban court. A player might only be considered as a traitor if their betrayal is sudden. Shooting at allies without formally breaking the alliance beforehand may be viewed as traitorous.

The motivation for betraying teammates may involve the betrayer having a sense that they are being unfairly treated, with the betrayal happening in a flash of anger, although I've only seen this once, and the other teammates felt that the traitor had been treated fairly leading up to the incident.

In another incident, a young teammate moved out of the group's base at the same time that the base doors had gone missing. The teammate claimed to have made a new base far away, but were found near the original base, and it was assumed that the doors had been stolen by them, and they had clearly lied about where they had moved to. The traitor was kicked out of the group and raided. The motivation for them having betrayed the group was a mystery, although it does seem more common for immature players to be responsible for traitorous acts.

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Last edited by Hudson633; 19 Jan, 2024 @ 4:37am
Date Posted: 13 Oct, 2023 @ 9:04pm
Posts: 0