Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 5 Dec, 2024 @ 3:48pm
Gov Nov 2023 cultural themes
The Government's November 2023 wipe saw the end of the "October evaporation" - the Gov's active playercount stabalised, although there may have been continuing challenges - the village location being picked as a snow biome again may have (again) caused a (frustrating) cold debuff and lack of resources, but a grass biome was nearby.

The group was integrating new members while friendly fire was still an ongoing issue, although not all members were bothered by it, arguably leading to a cultural split between the aggressive members that didn't seem to mind frequent teamkilling, contrasting with the (perhaps more creatively-motivated) members that felt that the lack of effort to prevent teamkilling/teamraiding was somewhat anti-social.

I think the Government (like much of the Rust playerbase at the time) saw the game in a competitive perspective, though the Government as a group seemed to have a greater ratio of "roleplayers" than most groups.

You could see the combination of competitive and creative motivations in the design of the community base that month - the ground floor served a competitive function, while the upper floor was a spacious room with glass windows that gave the village a sense of prestige.

The upper floor of the community base:

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----- Government Nov 2023 wipe
Last edited by Hudson633; 5 Dec, 2024 @ 7:05pm