Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 9 Sep, 2024 @ 10:41pm
The Insane Joker
A Government ban court case from 4th June 2023 shows that the defendant was a lead member of F1, who had more or less joined an argument between two Government members, and insulted the size of a Gov player's base. There were 4 votes to ban vs 7 votes not to ban - the defendant was not banned. It had been said that the defendant was banned from the Gov Discord server at some point, but this was refuted by the defendant, and no evidence of the ban has been found.

In September 2024, the sour relations between F1 and the Government were highlighted, with a Government member explaining that he had once made a joke (I'll refer to him as the Joker), which the lead member of F1 was said to have found distasteful. The lead member clarified on 8th September that the Joker had been banned from F1 because he "wouldn't apologize for making [the] jokes". The F1 member had previously described the Joker as "arguably one of the best players in the game" but now labelled him as "insane".

One imagines that the sense of hostility between the two groups was so high that if they crossed paths in-game then they might even shoot at eachother.

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Last edited by Hudson633; 7 Oct, 2024 @ 2:23pm
Date Posted: 9 Sep, 2024 @ 10:41pm
Posts: 0