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Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 30 Oct, 2024 @ 1:24pm
Grunts given the vote
There had been some interest among Government officers in being able to vote in presidential elections, which only generals could vote in. On 30th October 2024, grunts and officers were also given the ability to vote in elections. Within 24 hours, there were 16 votes by generals, 20 votes by officers, and 10 votes by grunts. The news was popular among the officers, as over half of them had voted on that first day.

A Government meme that was reposted after the voting system was changed:

The voting power was weighted, with an officer's vote having half the weight of a general, and the grunts (depending on their rank) having between a quarter and as little as 2% of a general's vote. Despite the limited value of each individual vote, the high number of officers and grunts could make a clear difference in the election.

Multiple generals now campaigned in the officer and main Gov Discord channels to appeal to the officers and grunts for votes, highlighting their achievements as president on previous wipes and explaining their future plans, such as building a wall, or intending to build the next village near a specific type of monument.

The change added to the Government's sense of democracy, and the representation may have provided to a greater sense of leadership. The weighted votes appeared to contribute to a sense of progression within the Government, as the value of the votes increased as the member gained ranks - this mirrored the important sense of progression in Rust itself.

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Last edited by Hudson633; 9 Nov, 2024 @ 2:00am
Date Posted: 30 Oct, 2024 @ 1:24pm
Posts: 0