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15 Maret 2023
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10th anniversary stats
On 7th Dec 2023 a news post for Rust on Steam celebrated the 10th anniversary of Rust, which included some stats.

By the numbers:
  • 75,000,000 twitch drop claims
  • 16,000,000 copies sold
  • 12,400,000+ youtube views
  • 7,200,000+ twitch followers
  • $1,703,923 raised for charities
  • 1,054,000+ community followers
  • 1,000,000 steam reviews
  • 464,000+ xtwitter followers
  • 244,000+ peak player count
  • 160,000 youtube subscribers
  • 150,000 peak player average p/m
  • 124,000+ steam workshop items
  • 4,261 community skins accepted
  • 370+ content updates

In reality, the number of Steam reviews for Rust appeared to be 817,141 - even with the number of reviews for the DLC included, the number didn't reach 1 million. An embedded video claimed that Rust had 10 years of flying and diving, which I don't believe is correct, as the early version of the game didn't have such features. Likewise it mentioned traps, farming, and "contesting" which weren't really aspects of the game in the early days.

Players highlighted the ongoing issue of widespread cheating, and pointing out that the stat of 16,000,000 game copies sold were partially to cheaters.

Rust Insights
Some data was included at the end of the post, which was from the last 30 days of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ server gameplay.

Blueprints researched
  1. Pistol ammo - 9%
  2. Rifle ammo - 8%
  3. Medical syringe - 6%

It also noted that 141k blueprints were learned. I assume that the list of 3 items above were the most commonly researched items, but it's not explained.

Hits by bone
  1. Head - 18%
  2. Neck - 12%
  3. Hip - 12%
  4. Chest - 7%
  5. Right arm - 6%
  6. Left arm - 6%

Legs were not included in this stat. It's also noted that "approx 900k boars are killed every week".

Top crates per monument
  1. Junkpile - 1.7m
  2. Train tunnels - 300k
  3. Mining outpost - 200k

It was also noted that "4.2 crates across all monuments." I assume this meant the number of crates that were accessed by players.

Hits per gun
  1. Semi-automatic rifle - 18%
  2. Assault rifle - 17%
  3. Thompson - 12%
  4. MP5A4 - 11%
  5. Double barrel shotgun - 7%
  6. Prototype - 1%
  7. M92 - 1%
  8. Spas-12 shotgun - 1%
  9. M39 rifle - 1%
  10. M249 - 1%

The stats also note that "900k shots fired at bears."

  1. Tackle the day - 2.4k completed
  2. Treasure hunt - 1.6k completed
  3. Loot bottles - 1k completed

It also noted that "collect vood least completed".

Weapon highlight
The MP5A4 was featured:

  1. Player - 5.19m
  2. Wall - 3.4m
  3. Tunnel dweller - 1.9m
  4. Tool cupboard - 1.7m

Most used on
  1. Head - 16%
  2. Hip - 13%
  3. Neck - 11%

It also noted that 6.3m shots were fired, but doesn't explain why the number of victims were greater than the number of shots fired. There was also another stat listed, but the text of the image was too small to be readable, and Steam wouldn't expand the image.

The news post on Steam:

See also
Rust's controversial 10th anniversary update

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Terakhir diedit oleh Hudson633; 18 Nov 2024 @ 11:56pm
Semua Diskusi > Diskusi Umum > Rincian Topik
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