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Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 2 Jan, 2024 @ 5:43pm
Bonnie and Clyde vs The Government
Two members of The Government were banned after shooting their teammates in late 2022. Their nicknames have been changed, but this is otherwise a true story.

Clyde had been a fairly popular member of the Government, but shot one teammate in October 2022 apparently out of boredom, and another because "[he wouldn't] leave me alone". I believe he abandoned the wipe several days before it ended; his teammates picked through his decaying base after he was gone. I recall seeing an LMG and many other end-game weapons in his base, and noticed that the walls were covered in electronics - he was a smart and spirited player that could have been a fantastic teammate.

The Government village in October 2022:

Bonnie had also teamkilled during that wipe, and continued what was either negligent or deliberate friendly fire in her classic shoot first, ask later style in the next wipe too, but seemed to forget the ask later part. It was so bad that when Bonnie had an imposter that started shooting at Gov villagers, the villagers believed it was the real Bonnie because she had "a tendency to tk and shoot other members".

The Government village in November 2022:

Teamkilling was against the rules of the Government, and ban court cases were opened against both of them. It wouldn't help either of their defence cases that their victims were unarmed, and that the incidents had happened inside the Government village where it could reasonably be assumed that nearby players were likely to be teammates.

Interestingly, the reason for them being banned wasn't due to the teamkills. I recall that drama was far more of a factor in their ban court cases than any technicality like friendly fire. I don't think that many members were aware of the teamkilling, because the active (higher ranked) members (that held votes in court) were often in the team system where they were essentially immune to being teamkilled - the culture seemed to include a threshold for being "sent to ban court" for teamkilling that would only be reached if the victim had been in the team system.

So nobody had complained about the teamkills, as the victims were not in the team system at the time they were shot, although some friendly fire incidents were still mentioned in court cases, but the defendants would argue that "nobody complained at the time" and said to the victims that "you should have just messaged me."

The fact that the teamkills had been made in such an unapologetic manner spoke to the anti-social nature of their conduct at the time; they had been up to all sorts of social mischief. It seems likely that members voted to ban Bonnie from the Government Discord server for multiple reasons, and I recall the factor that led to Clyde being banned was that some members did not appreciate the fact that he had faked being in a relationship with Bonnie.

It was strange that their inexcusable teamkilling had seemed to be swept under the rug, when I remember the biggest complaint against them being something as harmless as pretending that there was more than friendship between them.

See also
Civil wars
Government Nov 2022 wipe
Government Oct 2022 wipe

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Last edited by Hudson633; 10 Oct, 2024 @ 9:12am
Date Posted: 2 Jan, 2024 @ 5:43pm
Posts: 0