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Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 March, 2023
Hudson633 1 Nov, 2023 @ 7:14pm
Government mistaken raid
The Government often builds villages that contain many bases. Even on their first wipe, a member mistakenly raided another member's base.

In such cases, the raiders find out who owns a base when they come across the sleepers inside, or the owner might ask who raided the base.

Sometimes, the raider doesn't care who the sleepers are. Rarely, the raider doesn't even care if the sleeper is a fellow Government member. In most cases, the raiders fix the base when the realise that they've unintentionally raided a teammate.

Fixing a base
For the raiders to fix the base, they would need tool cupboard access, so the TC is replaced if it was locked, which then allows the raiders to replace any missing wall sections or doors. If any codelocks had to be replaced, then new codelock codes are sent to the sleeper(s) as a Discord message.

Preventing mistaken raids
The earliest Government wipes (late 2021) involved the usage of a map hosted in a Google document, where members would edit it to include the location of friendly and enemy bases. This may have been too tedious for regular use.

A ticket system in Discord was in use in 2022. Members could send the screenshot of a base in a ticket, and use it to ask if the base belonged to a teammate. The tickets were reviewed by the generals, which could be a slow process.

By December 2022, a "rustcult" app was used, which created a heatmap of Government members, and automatically marked what it thought were Government bases. The app login system didn't work for every member, and it appeared to have fallen out of use by 2024.

A classic method to mark bases was the use of wooden signs, which some members would hang on the outside wall of their base and paint the Government logo onto it. This did not always prevent accidental raids though, and it was common for the Government to build bases without the use of signs, perhaps because they didn't want opposing players to know that it was a Government base. As of 2025, there have been no documented cases of an enemy player using such a sign to disguise their base.

Documented cases
Pimp My Base
The Government kills a Gnome

Related articles
Mistaken raid
Government theft

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Last edited by Hudson633; 31 Jan @ 8:11am
Date Posted: 1 Nov, 2023 @ 7:14pm
Posts: 0