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Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15. marts 2023
Hudson633 29. okt. 2023 kl. 14:06
Government president
Towards the end of a monthly wipe, Government members vote in a Presidential election to determine who among them will be President for the next monthly wipe, and the general with the 2nd highest number of votes becomes the Vice President.

The new President will have their nickname changed to Mr. President or Madam President for the first few days following the end of the election. The "title [of President] carries some cultural weight so that person will get listened to and respected in all discussions", and as it's "an elected position - it is a form of recognition" which "carries some burden of leadership implicitly." Members sometimes address the President formally by their title, as one member explains:
Like Duff Man, Mr. President can never die. The greatest leader to ever hold the office is no longer with us. When a General becomes Mr. President, they stop being their individual self. Instead, they become Mr. President. Many gov members choose to respect the office by calling him by his title. Like he never died.
The reference to Duff Man appears to be a quote from a Simpsons episode: "Duffman can never die; only the actors who play him".

The generals discuss a build spot for the village, but as the start of the wipe offers little time to argue, the President ultimately picks what he or she felt was the best build spot. The President might also be given toolcupboard access in many bases to organize popular building projects around the village like walls or community bases. If a member went inactive for months, then their GovYen is slowly pooled, which the president shares with members that helped with community projects (like building a village wall). If a President becomes too "authoritarian" with their projects (such as directing members to focus on a project even if it wasn't popular) or is accused of misconduct, then they seem to stand less chance of winning the following election, and in some cases (such as the December 2022 wipe) might even be impeached.

The President is respected when volunteering to manage communication and suggesting strategic ideas, and also manages codes to the community base gates and village wall gates (if a wall was built), although the generals also share the responsibility of handling codes. Presidents have sometimes been involved in managing farms and distributing harvests to the members. It can be common for a President to be involved in day-to-day team coordination, although Gov members generally do their own thing, so leadership is supportive, but not relied on. Occasionally, a President might be absent for much of a wipe, which might impact their chance of re-election, but most are highly active, and members turn to the President with questions, concerns, complaints, and also to offer items or resource donations to be used for the good of the group.

See also
Government leadership

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Sidst redigeret af Hudson633; 30. dec. 2024 kl. 17:19
Dato opslået: 29. okt. 2023 kl. 14:06
Indlæg: 0