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Hudson633 2023 年 10 月 27 日 下午 1:36
Government Discord commands
A bot nicknamed The Government which had been a member of Discord since May 2017 and a member of the Government Discord group since 2019 instantly responded to certain commands in the Gov Discord. A second bot named Commissar that had been a Discord member since May 2017 handled direct messages. Commonly used commands are listed and explained in this article. Commands do not appear to be case sensitive. A commands chat channel in the Gov Discord was the appropriate place to run commands.

List of commands
!afk name
!badge remove Wipe name
!ban @name
!convert 2100
!friend nickname
!detain @name
!nick name
!orders 365
!overflow 30
!pay @name 100
!tax @name 300
!voiceactiveusers 365

!afk name
This command appears to move a user from a voice channel to the afk voice channel. The Bot only responded to the command if it didn't find a user with the name it was given.

This is a calculator that provides the elevation and direction to put artillery on a target.

!badge remove Wipe name
This command removed a "wipe badge" from a user, with the bot responding "Wipe Badge has been removed from name by name". Wipe badges may have been used for security.

The bot responds to this command by stating the poster's Yen balance, such as "Current balance: 2100 yen".

!ban @name
This sends a user to ban court, with the bot stating that "name has been sent to Ban Court!"

This command prompted Commissar to send the poster a random four-digit code, which could be useful for use with Codelocks. The group bot acknowledged the command with "Sent a random code to name".

!convert 2100
This command shows the exchange rate of Yen to USD. This example was from 7th Sept 2023:
At current market exchange rates ¥ 2100 = $ 14.23 USD $ 2100 = ¥ 309802 JPY

The command didn't work when I tried it in Oct 2023.

!detain @name
This appeared to have the same function as !ban because the bot would respond "name has been sent to Ban Court!"

!friend nickname
The friend system allows "friends" to drop in to eachother's private voice channels.

The !lottery command appears to tax inactive members to award a "random person in voice chat" with 10 yen. In November 2023 it ran "hourly". If enough taxes are spent by the president then the lottery "turns off."

!nick name
This command sets the user's name to name, with the bot acknowledging the command with the message "Changed name to name". Obviously "name" could be changed to something else.

!orders 365
The bot responds to this command with the message "Sending special mission orders to name" and repeats the message with the nicknames of many users. I assume that this was used to send a prepared message to the users that had been active in the past 365 days, in order to inform them of a server wipe. The bot may initially respond with the message "Sending orders to 685 members. Restart the bot now if this is not right." I think this was the most important command, because it brought members together for a wipe.

The bot responds to this command with the message "Sending orders to 3 members. Restart the bot now if this is not right." The 3 members are among the highest ranks. I suppose this could have been useful to make sure the system worked properly before trying the regular orders command on hundreds of other users.

!overflow 30
This command sets an overflow limit, with the bot acknowledging the command with the message "Overflow limit set to 30" which appears to move users to a new voice channel if the original one hits the limit. This was done to prevent a voice channel from becoming too chaotic. I assume that the bot only responds to this command if it's run by those with the privilege.

!pay @name 100
This sends 100 yen to another user. Any amount can be sent (as long as you have the balance to afford it). This was one of the most common commands, as members traded in-game resources and items for Yen. The bot acknowledged the command with the message (if the balance was sufficient) "name sent 100 yen to name". A specific number could be set.

The bot would respond to this command with Pong!. I assume this was used to check if the bot was working.

!tax @name 300
The president has the privilege to run this command. The bot responds to this command with the message "Mr. President thanks the taxpayers for their generosity" and lists inactive users that had their Yen balance taxed, before giving a summary of the group's tax system. I believe that @name is the recipient of the collected funds. The recipient was likely being rewarded for having supported the Government, for things like helping build a village wall.

!voiceactiveusers 365
This command is useful to gauge the level of activity in the group, both recently and historically.

The command run on 5th Oct 2023 gave the response:
"1734 users active in voice chat in the last 365 days."

The command run 22 days later (27th Oct 2023) gave the response:
"1494 users active in voice chat in the last 365 days."

The number can be changed to display any other range of days, such as a week represented by !voiceactiveusers 7 or two years represented by !voiceactiveusers 730. The data available to the bot goes back years.

Like the !balance command, the bot responds to this command by stating the poster's Yen balance, such as "Current balance: 15550 yen".

In Jan 2024 the bot crashed.

See also
Government uncommon Discord commands

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最后由 Hudson633 编辑于; 2 月 1 日 上午 9:59
所有讨论 > 综合讨论 > 主题详情
发帖日期: 2023 年 10 月 27 日 下午 1:36
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