Rust Communities Archive RCA-
Rust Communities Archive RCA-
15 de marzo de 2023
Hudson633 24 MAR 2023 a las 11:45 a. m.
Regardless if a player's approach to the game was solely competitive or social, overreacting to the moments of action can leave them at disadvantage (if not disaster).

Overreacting against teams
One time I was playing, I had just built a stone base, and had found a pistol. With the few bullets I had I fired at a player that wasn't being friendly and was near my base. The guy returned with his team and demanded that me and my friends throw our guns out, while using rockets against my base. They broke in, but all I had was a small collection of mushrooms and an empty pistol. I was playing solo, so I've got no idea why they thought I had a team in there.

I think they overreacted, because it's a first person shooter - there's no need to take it personally if someone shoots at you. I was not a threat to them, but they wasted so many explosives to break into my base, clearly having worked themselves into a frenzy. Their attack wasn't even good, it was just angry - they were slow at damaging the walls, so I had time to repair the base before they changed target to the doors.

It was hilarious to me, because I killed a couple of them during the attack somehow, and had nothing to lose while these guys were wasting so many rockets. But they probably should have saved their resources for an actual threat, rather than rage dump it all on the first player that left-clicked a level 1 weapon at them.

Overreacting within teams
I was in a village one time when an attack chopper was flying towards us. One guy had a base just outside the village, and he tried to "call dibs" on the incoming chopper. But as it circled over the general area, the rest of us felt that it was fair if we shot at it too, so we fired at it, and the thing crashed onto a wooden farm I had built, which burnt the farm down. I thought it was a fun moment.

The guy was furious though, and turned against us because we dared to shoot the chopper down when he wanted to do it entirely himself. We were willing to share the loot fairly, and he'd already had a chopper shot down at his base (literally crashing on his roof) so it's not like he was being left out. We'd been friendly to him, helping him with base upkeep, and not making a big deal out of the times he frequently teamkilled us.

He seemed to react to everything with anger, but the rest of us were just trying to have fun. I wouldn't want to be his teammate if he was going to rage like that (justified or not). Even if he'd stayed in the group, I wouldn't have wanted to go on raids with him. I think overreacting can hurt teamwork.

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Última edición por Hudson633; 24 MAR 2023 a las 11:48 a. m.
Publicado el: 24 MAR 2023 a las 11:45 a. m.
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